Yesterday - a cold, fishless day with a couple of intrusions, not serious.
I have written to Jess asking for info on the possible fish on the 27th, when EJ morphed into Odin with no intervening time.
Tonight has been very quiet, with EJ alternating between tucked-in and flat-headed sleep:
A couple of wake-ups to check noises that I couldn't hear:
But no flaps or fly-abouts yet - I've checked twice. Empty stomach, no poop to expel?
Precipitation of some kind, pre 0200hr:
Oh what a muddle I'm in :o
Odin with big fish, EJ takes 4 mins to get up but expresses delight afterwards. What a HERO again today, Odin :-*
A whopper !!!
I can hear EJ's feeding chirps as Odin turns the eggs. How lovely.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
Not sure if that's rain, hail or sleet. To noisy for snow.
It was sleet/hail. Odin's back is turning white
moffer said:Not sure if that's rain, hail or sleet. To noisy for snow.
Just came back in with brekkie and was going to ask for opinions. Whatever it is is unwelcome!
Snatch of skydance, intruder alarms, sound only:
Unknown said:I haven't got any sound this morning !!
Oh no! It should be OK, BRENDA, despite my false alarm this morning - maybe try the usual, like clearing cache, rebooting, another browser, etc?
EJ still signalling her enjoyment of the fish ;-)
Your vid is private Scylla. I can't view it.
Relieved to hear that she has been fed. What awful weather for her. She is made of strong stuff.
Morning All, At long last our girl has got her fish and a whopper at that. Good boy Odin. Thanks scylla and Moffer for the great pictures and video of that. That's made my day.Lets hope the snow melts now.
Odin is hot stuff. The hail/sleet on his back is melting already. A glimmer of sunshine helps too.
Now just that blob of ice on the cam lens to melt.