What more could we have asked of yesterday? The weather was almost perfect, for LG. No intruders. A second fish, after the generosity and earliness of the first, would be very ungrateful of us.
And tonight we are blessed with a lovely nightcam, we may see their flying shadows on the trees if we're lucky.
A moment of alertness:
Off to eat (me that is) BBS.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
FISH @ 19.14
Silence is golden ;)
That was a whopper of a fish he brought in. Good boy Odin.
*****19.15 FISH****
Odin watches EJ fly off
Odin takes over incubation. Stripey tail!
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
Thanks MOFFER and SHEILA. I missed the fish delivery.
Time to go. Another lovely 'quiet' day! Bye bye.
Another pick of Odin's stripey tail! Or is it a lose feather?
Odin, post fish delivery (while I was eating) Getting the cup just right
I think he's sleeping now.
EJ's back. They chat, but EJ does most of the talking.
19.56 Odin has flown
Happy silent well fed EJ
The sun's going down