What more could we have asked of yesterday? The weather was almost perfect, for LG. No intruders. A second fish, after the generosity and earliness of the first, would be very ungrateful of us.
And tonight we are blessed with a lovely nightcam, we may see their flying shadows on the trees if we're lucky.
A moment of alertness:
EJ chirrups, gets up and turns her eggs. Back down to migration. Cloud cover.
Having settled, she decides it's not right, and checks again. Back down.
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Here's Odin. Not sure what for... desire to egg-sit? EJ is chatting and he's just standing there behind her.
He may have brought a piece of bark or even fish but it's not clear and it disappeared:
She watched him have a tiny faff:
He flew.
12.43 Just noticed that Odin is on the nest with EJ, probably just landed. EJ is calling/nagging him, but she isn't getting up.
and then he leaves 12.45
probably back to camtree, she looked over her shoulder again. Sun has come out once more
EJ has started to witter again.
EJ is very quietly chirping - fish-calling sotto voce?
EJ has flown, she was still tweeting up to the last moment. Odin is here.
Having called for a while, EJ has flown off, and 13.29 Odin landed, looked around for a while, before taking over incubation duties.
I must leave proud Odin caring for his eggs. Must pop out for a while. BBS
EJ returns, shifts awkward branch, Odin leaves. Sample of her calling on the end. She hasn't been calling for quite a while but has just (as I type) started up softly again.