Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here. I left two long posts on the end of last week's thread, and others had posts, too.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

These are endangered American White Pelicans like the ones that are waiting out the bad weather on the lake down the road from me, so they can again fly north to their breeding area.

American White Pelicans
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service government photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Ooer!  Annette --- one of the paperbacks I bought this morning was Major Pettigrews Last Stand!


    Dibnlib - Sounds lovely, and you can hug yourself all the rest of this year, knowing that The Season to be Jolly is sorted!


    Heather - There must be a lot of twists and turns in that story,  I should think. Could be fun, finding out!

  • Linda – sounds like you and OH picked up some bargains at the garden centre – we have also recently stocked up on compost and this year’s gro-bags; I think the garden centres are all trying to compete on price.  What a coincidence that one of the books you bought was one which Annette later recommended!

    Heather – intriguing detail so far about your father – I do hope you can find out more about his parents!

    Annette – pleased you got a good night’s sleep.  I trust the remainder of the journey passed without incident and you had a good lunch together.

    Dibnlib – how lovely to already have your winter break booked to look forward to!  I hope all the snuffles are clearing up now.

    I have done various bits of planting during the afternoon, and OH has scarified and mowed all the grass; we are pleased this is done as we now have a kind of misty drizzle in the breeze.  I am hoping that some slightly damper weather will mean he can finish last week’s cleaning before starting this week’s – the cleaning caddy is still sitting in the hallway!  He is actually out for a while after lunch tomorrow – a carers’ coffee meeting followed by his haircut, and then we are both due for the Gardening Club’s annual Pie & Peas & Plant Problems supper (I always order a vegetarian option and no mushy peas!).

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I am now going to try attaching some pictures of our remaining flowering bulbs - the Tete-a-Tetes on the fence finished last week.  Most of my photos are portrait orientation and this site insists on lying them on their side as landscape, so I have cropped these and we shall see what happens to them!

    The short red Tulips have been blooming since Easter, but the taller ones only just came fully out this weekend.  I am really pleased with the Fritillaries (centre) this year.

    See my Hare statues in the background on the right!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG my tete a tete are just coming into their own..

    Have new bulbs coming up but sadly can't remember what they are .. So love a surprise .

    Brilliant walk with Daisy today.

    OH bought himself a new pressure washer.. I have used it more than him as have sorted out drive, bins ,car and today all green paving stones and started on garden furniture . It's addictive as it all looks brilliant.

  • Good Morning, All.  Damp & misty here.  A quiet night on the thread, as hopefully Annette is enjoying family time.

    Lovely bright pics, OG. Love the hares. Enjoy your pie & peas Supper tonight.

    Wendy - my OH loves his pressure washer, they do a good job. We have a lot of mossy paving to clean up this year after a damp winter.

  • WENDY - so, the dog didn't get cleaned with the new toy?  My OH was so excited to buy a pressure washer a few years ago, but now has to be reminded to use it!  He did clean the front path two weeks ago, so I am hopeful of the back paths and the deck being done before the front needs it again!

    LINDA - complete turn around in our weather - damp and dark - not sure whether shed roof man will bother coming as planned this morning.

    Had a second go at the ironing yesterday, so twenty minutes today should see the end - until tomorrow!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG Daisy had a bath indoors on Saturday :-)

  • Good morning - just waiting for stepdaughter in law who is going to take me to look at kitchen places and we will also drop off a few bags of clothes, shoes and handbags to the Highland Hospice Charity Shop warehouse. OH is mightily glad to have got out of both missions and plans to work in the garden.

    Happy that ANNETTE seems to be well on her way, hope that she enjoyed lunch with her family.


  • Enjoy looking at the kitchens, Heather.  It's half the fun!

    I keep putting things away, but for some reason the house still looks like I'm in transit for a moving sale, or something.... I had a spare five minutes in bed this morning, so read back on the threads to see what you were all talking about way back at the end of Feb/beginning of March whilst I was away. So sad to see the remaining furniture just left there to be scooped up like junk, Brenda, when your neighbour's house was demolished.  You would think they would have got in one of those companies who buy up the whole lot, and then sort it out and sell what's saleable.  We cousins did this when we lost our favourite Uncle a couple of years ago, and he left everything to his remaining relatives as he had no children himself. Everything which anyone in the family wanted, or of any much value, was taken away and a clearance firm came to deal with all the rest, so the house could be sold.

  • Morning all: Lolling in bed at hotel; having leftovers for lunch with kids, then on the road again....

    OG: Lovely flowers.  My sister was bemoaning the fact that she planted so many bulbs and will be here, not there, when so many of them will bloom.

    Must hose down for breakfast. They have really good buffet-style breakfasts at this hotel. Lots of fruit, etc.