Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here. I left two long posts on the end of last week's thread, and others had posts, too.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

These are endangered American White Pelicans like the ones that are waiting out the bad weather on the lake down the road from me, so they can again fly north to their breeding area.

American White Pelicans
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service government photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Hi, Rosy.  So nice to hear from you again, but sorry to hear that your OH has had health worries. Do hope that he is OK now.

  • Diane – Fantastic news. All the best for the new contract.


    Linda & OH – Happy Anniversary.


    Margo – I hope you are feeling a little brighter. {{{HUGS}}}


    OG – A break-up is an end-of-something celebration. We say schools break-up for the holidays. On this occasion, the end of kindy term 1. A party with cakes, etc (eggless & nutless, of course.) Why they need to celebrate each term is beyond me (old fuddy-duddy spoilsport!!!).


    OH only had to manage for an hour alone, he survived but he couldn’t get twins down for their naps, so Dau had that to do when she got home. OH was released early – he was tired, usually does 3 hours nanny duty, yesterday in total was twice that.

  • Evening all:  Sister and bro arrived safely, but exhausted. We "dined" in our hotel rooms this evening. I went out this morning and got wine, smoked salmon, cheeses, fruit, etc., borrowed some plates and utensils from the hotel's dining room and had a little celebration. They're now tucked up in bed; me too.

    Diane: So pleased that it's not just work, but one that has the potential to help people. Brilliant!

    Rosy: Good to see you and to know that your OH's health issues were resolved after what sounds like a worrying time.

    Thanks ALL for posts and news.  Take care.

  • ANNETTE   hope you all have a wonderful time.

  • DIANE   What great news. Hope you enjoy every minute of this new project.

  • OG  It is obviously a fairly large teepee as there are 140 guests.

    Friend was going straight to work after our walk so she didn't bring Hippo and Alfie, however we bumped into another friend and walked some of the way with her and her sons dog Gunner who is a huge Rhodesian Ridgeback and at 2 years old, a lot of fun. Benson a little unsure at first about playing with such a big beast!!!! 

  • DAISY   get well soon and be a good patient.

  • WENDY There are 2 boots that I know of. Our vet uses Mikki boots. There is also a company called RUFF who do boots. Tiso Outdoor Experience in Inverness stocks them and is happy for you to take dog into the store to try them out.

  • Good Morning. Dull here but dry.

    AQ - We also use the term 'breaking up for the holidays', but never to my knowledge have parties for it! Agree with you it's a bit over the top :-) Glad your OH survived his nanny duty.

    Annette - Not surprised your sister & OH are tired after their long journey. How nice that you could manage a mini party of your own. Enjoy their visit!

    I'm having another day trying to catch up on the housework. At least it's Friday, so the weekend is here already!

  • As I predicted arrange to have your winter tyres off and it...SNOWS.

    White but wet and very irritating.

    Daisy is still snug in her cave. It's a very large cage but it's covered in throws, next to a radiator with a mattress and a duvet. The door has been open an hour but still fast sleep. This could be down to being really tired or she knows it's wet as the cars going up the road are making that sloshing sound and Daisy like Benson hates rain.

    Didnlib thanks for tip and daughter last night ordered 2 types to come by post but in the meantime I will pop into Elgin to AI or Pets at Home who have got the Mikki ones.

    Annette enjoy family time and everyone else have a good day.