Welcome to a new day in the 2016 LG Osprey season. In a few hours, Odin will land and EJ will eventually get up to reveal their first egg of the season. Well done you Super Ospreys :-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
At last, and it's straight down to business ;-D And off!!!
He hasn't seen the egg yet,got other things on his mind.
Daycam on. Is that frost on EJ?
Approached from a new angle, the right:
Some paddling:
At this point he disappeared :-/
And EJ got up for a stretch and readjust:
Horrendous video:
DAYCAM 0557hr revealed a frosty lady!
Now to check for company ;-)
Good morning, Twinkle and Rusty :-)
Good morning MC and all.
Birdies LG DU update.
Good morning Scylla. Good photo of the frost on EJ. She doesn't seem bothered by it though.
Good Morning all. Thanks Heron for starting the day, and to Scylla for the fab pics and vids. Love the one of the attempted mating. So glad I haven't missed the big reveal, I do want to see his face.
Dear frosty EJ. It does look cold this morning.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
Morning Everyone.
Thanks Heron for starting us off.
It would be a perfect start to the day if Odin present EJ with a nice big fish :-)
Oh here he is. Come on EJ show me the egg LOL...
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023