Keith and Ann closed last month with some lovely chat and osprey news. It is this kind of coverage that we must have if The Gabfest is to be able to continue.
The Gabfest does have a purpose - a reason for being. That purpose is to educate about wildlife in general and ospreys in particular. We do that by following the osprey we care about with pictures and narrative, and by entertaining ourselves with other topics of interest to us. If we are interested others probably will be also. They will thus be drawn to our site where they will get to know the osprey we love.
Pictures are not necessary to make an interesting post. I was hooked before I ever saw a cam simply by reading the entries on The Main Blog. They did not use pictures then. Through the years many Gabbers have added to our thread with simple observations and comments.. The posts of one Gabber in particular are greatly missed. SUGAR'S early morning observations of the Loch Garten nest were a joy to read.
It is to be hoped that we can have many reports, comments and observations this summer, both with and without pictures, as we enjoy the antics of our favorite osprey.
So Dai Dot should come help blue 24.Wouldn't that solve all their problem? But then he probably would kick out her egg.
June, There is a new blog on the Dyfi Osprey Project web page about Blue 24 and her eggs. The eggs are probably already non-viable since she has had to leave them to fish for herself, Monty having devoted more time to Glesni's nest and he has stopped fishing or incubating for Blue 24. A self preservation choice for him, to concentrate on one nest and brood. I doubt he would tolerate Dai Dot that close to his own nest. Blue 24 will just have to wait for another year and I hope she is enticed to another nest, though that seems unlikely, too. She just seems to want only the Dyfi nest and its position. If she returns in a future year and Glesni does not, Blue 24 will be there to step in! And Monty will accept her.
Kind regards, Ann
Good evening all. Dismayedto see poor EJ covered in snow this morning :( Very sadto read that Dai Dot has lost his nest. What a strange year this has been for Dyfi. Too many females and too few females at Rutland!
And so it goes, Ann, in the real osprey world. We can't order their lives for them or make their lives into romantic fairy tales, can we? I want to say Oh if only I could. But on sober reflection, I am forced to say "Much better that I cannot!"
Hi Willow you came in behind me as I was typing. I knew you would be unhappy with the news about Dai Dot - as am I.
Our garden is looking a bit of a mess and needs some attention soon! Butthese were flowering a patch of them growing in the grass!
Willow your photography and posting skills have grown by leaps and bounds! These are beautiful. Yes always look for the beauty amidst the ordinary or even worse. I know the trick well. A good life lesson also. :)
These are snake head fritillaries sometimes called "sulking Ladies" or "Dead mans Bells" Love these and remind me of the Helibores!
I think I have planted Fritillaries in the past which did not flourish. Possibly furnished a tasty treat for some underground animal of which I have many.
June Dai Dot has always been one of my favourite ospreys. He was regarded by some as ugly but has grown into a real beauty in my mind! Two beautiful ospreys without families, Blue 24 and Dai, hope they are successful next year. Could it be too late? Probably. Monty would not tolerate Dai in the area :(