Keith and Ann closed last month with some lovely chat and osprey news.  It is this kind of coverage that we must have if The Gabfest is to be able to  continue.

        The Gabfest does have a purpose - a reason for being.  That purpose is to educate about wildlife in general and ospreys in particular.  We do that by following the osprey we care about with pictures and narrative, and by entertaining ourselves with other topics of interest to us.  If we are interested others probably will be also.  They will thus be drawn to our site where they will get to know the osprey we love.

     Pictures are not necessary to make an interesting post.  I was hooked  before I ever saw a cam simply by reading the entries on The Main Blog.  They did not use pictures then.  Through the years many Gabbers have added to our thread with simple observations and comments..  The posts of one Gabber in particular are greatly missed.  SUGAR'S early morning observations of the Loch Garten nest were a joy to read.

     It is to be hoped that we can have many reports, comments and observations this summer, both with and without pictures, as we enjoy the antics of our favorite osprey.

  •  So which happy couple is this?  They seem to be looking upward, so is this Monty and Blue 24 watching the intruder?

  • So Keith I trust you are enjoying your dinner with local wine.  Seems a good food or drink is always even better at it's source.

    Thanks for the nest map you provided.  it is a great help to me .

  • JUNE - The picture is what they now describe as Nest 2 on Dyfi.

    As we predicted in a previous post White 14 has added a new country to his travels as he crossed into Switzerland and roosted close to Lake Geneva. (Lausanne)

    Maybe he should have a look around Wales this visit and he may find some desirable females and a nest (Away from Dyfi).

    I don't think a male could occupy Nest 2 on the Dyfi as I think Monty would defend this as his territorial area and a threat whether or not Blue 24 has made her home in it.

  •  The sunbeams are on Dyfi (Glesni?) this morning,  while everything looks just normal at LG.

  • Good morning Keith.  I'm taking notes better. that is more consistently, this year .  Now I have Nest 2 and original Dyfi nest and their occupants straight in my mind.  With your and Willow's interest and posts, along with Facebook and my cam on the original Dyfi I should be able to enjoy following these two nests this summer.

  • JUNE - I am not sure how long you will be able to follow both nests. I think it may turn a bit sour for one of them but I do hope we can see some form of repeat of what Vanessa witnessed in Minneapolis.

    We have another lonely female in Wales (Blue 3J) who again landed on the nest at Glaslyn yesterday evening whilst the residents were away.

    This is becoming rather like A Lonely Hearts Club (a club for people who are trying to find a lover or a friend). Nest admission will be by ticket only soon.

    Again 3J is a favourite as I was down in Rutland for nearly a week in 2013 and watched her as a chick in her nest with parents 5R and his partner now Maya.

    5R brings in a fish and amongst the recipients are 1J - 2J and 3J.

    58WILLOW - Likewise I hope that you see the return some day of S1 - S2 and S3. It is exciting having watched them and knowing they have returned. Unfortunately not been able to tell the same story for Loch Garten.

  • Like I said recently, I tend by nature to be pessimistic.  But think how happy I am when I am wrong and something turns out to be not as bad as I had feared.  Unlike optimists who set themselves up for disappointment when their high-blown dreams do not materialize.

    So, pessimist that I am, I have no expectations of a happy outcome for both or either of Monty's two nests.  Should be interesting watching, anyway. Then please forgive me if I grieve for any unpleasant outcome.

    Loch Garten is another story.  I am a gardener and a baseball fan and every spring "Hope Springs Eternal"! But at Loch Garten, one after another, that hope has been dashed to the ground starting (for me) with Deshar and Wee Yin.  Now it is spring again and once again I have HIGH HOPES that yet again EJ and Odin will fledge three healthy chicks and that this time we can eventually see one or more return home to Scotland.

  • Good early morning all. I can hardly keep up with events lately with the goings on at Dyfi! Im very fearful of the outcome and hope the eggs perish before they become chicks (if that happens!)

    Keith it would be wonderful to see one of the S1, s2 OR s3 return possibly next year ( they will be 2 years of age)

  • Thankyou June for the article about the ospreys with multiple partners. Not enough males to go around lets hope that White 14 decides to make a home there! Yes Keith, very much a lonely Hearts ! LOL. I see White 14 now in Eastern France after visiting Switzerland. The Global explorer a truly amazing osprey :)

  • I read the sad account of the misfortune of Deshar. I did not follow then that was before my time! Dont think i even owned a computer then! Look at the joys that computers can bring!

    The thing that upsets me most is the fact that the poor Deshar must have suffered for some time, heart breaking. I look at the eggs now of EJ with a certain amount of sorrow knowing the outcome for them (almost) all. We still dont know the fate of Druie as he was not tagged