Keith and Ann closed last month with some lovely chat and osprey news.  It is this kind of coverage that we must have if The Gabfest is to be able to  continue.

        The Gabfest does have a purpose - a reason for being.  That purpose is to educate about wildlife in general and ospreys in particular.  We do that by following the osprey we care about with pictures and narrative, and by entertaining ourselves with other topics of interest to us.  If we are interested others probably will be also.  They will thus be drawn to our site where they will get to know the osprey we love.

     Pictures are not necessary to make an interesting post.  I was hooked  before I ever saw a cam simply by reading the entries on The Main Blog.  They did not use pictures then.  Through the years many Gabbers have added to our thread with simple observations and comments..  The posts of one Gabber in particular are greatly missed.  SUGAR'S early morning observations of the Loch Garten nest were a joy to read.

     It is to be hoped that we can have many reports, comments and observations this summer, both with and without pictures, as we enjoy the antics of our favorite osprey.

  •  It is daylight and still no snow, but the BIG NEWS is the EJ and Odin now have THREE EGGS to keep warm.  Excellent captures posted by Moffit on Daily Update.

  • Good afternoon all. A lovely sunny and "hot" day here today! Had many garden visitors 2 yellow hammers and greenfinches that I havent seen for ages.

    June I am very happy to hear that you now have a new computer! I hope it will give you a long trouble free service :)

  • Just read the news that EJ has 3 eggs also Mrs 5R has. I hope EJ and Odin will have a peaceful season and raise 3 healthy chicks. With a heavt heart I realise the outcome of all her other chicks :( This pair truly deserve some good fortune.

  • I watch with interest what White 14 will do next! Hes in the middle of the Sahara last information and hope hes out of it soon! He seems to be crossing right through the middle of it rather than skirting round the western edge through Mauritania like the others have done? The temperature must be ferocious there!

  • I am overjoyed that Aran has returned Mrs G has been waiting patiently. I was beginning to get a bit worried.

    We have lost some big celebrities this year :(  Blue XD, Beatrice and possibly the wonderful MR Rutland. Although not giving up just yet and possibly his missus :(

  • Suppertime.  EJ flew off with the fish, so here is Odin taking his turn nursing the eggs. 

  • Willow, thanks for ALL your updates that I have failed to respond to individually for various reasons.  Computer problems, of course, but for another, Many of the names are unfamiliar to me. In which case it is difficult to have anything to say.  So if I don't respond please know that your contributions are nonetheless appreciated.

    Beatrice of course is a very familiar name and I was particularly disappointed to  hear of her loss.  She will be greatly missed.

    As for Blue XD, what can I say?  He was very likely the father of several of our chicks, even though they were accepted by Odin and raised by him. A great osprey, I understand, but I shed no tears at his departure.

  • Evening, June (and Anyone else who might be here!).  I was away for two days and was delighted to come back to find that Glaslyn's male, Aran, has finally returned and that LDOP Bassenthwaite's White 14 has begun his return journey to the UK.  Fingers crossed that he makes a successful migration.

    Keith, I know you are not sentimental about Ospreys, but I imagine you also hope White 14 returns safely!

    Willow, I, too, wonder if White 14 will do a European tour again before turning up in England.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Hello Ann  Good to have you back with us after your absence,

    As for myself, if I can't wake up and check in with Gabfest my day just has not started right.  Or if I wake up in the night and can't come to Gabfest, what am I to do?.  So I am very pleased to be back at my own computer, able to check in when I please and to see EJ and Odin back in good old Scotland, well and happy in their own nest with here lovely eggs under them..

  • June, I imagine it is much nicer sitting at home with your new computer than traipsing off to the library in order to see EJ and Odin!

    Kind regards, Ann