Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 March 2016

HAPPY NEW WEEK and HAPPY EASTER (to those who celebrate the holiday).

Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week.

  • Agree, CLARE,!! I've been keeping an eye on the camera in between more boring jobs-

  • Hello all

    Quiet here so I hope that MARGO is enjoying her day out, LINDY having a great family time and I guess that OG will be in the garden.

    A lovely day here. OH didn't win at the bowls this morning but it is about time someone else got to win. He is not too upset!

    In between shopping and cooking, been keeping an eye on the LG nest.

    LYNETTE- That service sounds very modern and upbeat. I think it would have been enjoyable. OG- not sure what Communion in the round means. Does it mean that you don't go to the altar but the bread and wine is passed around?

    I enjoyed second daughter's Easter meal vicariously. At least, I think that is the word. Between phone calls asking for advice about cooking a whole leg of lamb and photos sent by Messenger I was beginning to wish (hope) that she would just bring the darned thing here and we could all enjoy it! In the event it all worked out fine and Callum ate himself silly, I believe. Just as well, a whole lamb leg between three of them? I'm told it was a good price. Youngest son in law is back in France. Let us hope that this time, he gets to do the work.

    I have got soup and two other things cooking so had better go and check the progress.

  • Heather: Sounds more like you cooked second daughter's Easter meal vicariously!

    High winds due here later; hoping they don't arrive before my whale count shift.

  • Hope you get to do the whale count, ANNETTE!

    You are correct, I cooked it vicariously. Actually between me and the whole WWW, I had to chuckle. She told me that she had fresh rosemary growing in a pot and thought she would put sprigs on the lamb. I said, cut a few little slits and push a tiny bit of rosemary in them and ditto with slivers of garlic. (I don't do that because OH doesn't like rosemary). The next photo I got, it looked as if the whole lamb leg was covered with mini rosemary bushes. I couldn't bring myself to say anything,she was trying so hard and is easily offended. It must have been OK in the end, though.

  • Hi!  Well, OG would like to be gardening, but weather is too variable for that today – mostly dry, but with occasional showers – and without yesterday’s breeze to dry it out in between!  Wind just about put an end to Crocuses, which have been really prolific this year, and damaged a few Daffodils, of which there are still plenty blooming and more to come, but we were pleased to see the first flowers on the Tulips in time for Easter!

    I didn’t get back on here yesterday as we played a long game of trivial pursuit.  Today we have been sorting OH’s model planes which are being donated to the local aviation museum – I had the job of typing up the inventory.  This was a job left over from when we did the loft.

    The towel rail was installed yesterday, so I can declare the shower room finished – a couple of pics of this will follow.

    Diane – belated thanks for starting the thread.

    AQ – I hope egg hunt worked out well for the wee ones and big sister; were you visiting to observe this?

    Dibnlib – we didn’t have the wind on Sat night, and yesterday started well, but deteriorated into the afternoon – we drew curtains well before sunset to shut out the sight of rain!  So sad about your cousin’s situation, needing physio but not strong enough for it.  There really aren’t enough physios in the system for people like her who need to be manipulated until able to do things for themselves. 

    Annette – that next trip and your Sister’s visit seem to be rushing towards you; I hope you and OH got the fine detail finalised!  I hope the coming wind will not cancel Whale Count for you.

    Lynette – Easter celebration in church sounds really good!  I like that more relaxed approach that more churches are putting into practice.

    Heather – “in the round” just means we sat around the Communion Table (not “altar” in non-conformist churches) in the body of the church rather than have it out the front.  We always pass the bread and wine to one another anyway.  We have people of many different church backgrounds and traditions there, so we choose whether to use the common cup or individual glasses; that can be awkward at times, so I take whichever reaches me first, for convenience, as I don’t have a preference!  What a pity you were not invited to help eat the leg of lamb, after all the work of helping to cook it!  I hope younger daughter is less panicky about Calais this time.

    I hope nobody here has suffered damage for Storm Katie, or experienced power outages.  BTW, sunshine is currently glorious again, but too late to take advantage of it for anything useful.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Goodness, I just came online to hear the amazing news that maybe it's Odin on the nest!  Do hope its right.,

    We have had a most enjoyable time, which I will describe later.  Our journey down was quick and uneventful, but today we just flew --  until we stopped for a bit of um, a comfort stop really, at Stafford Services. When we then returned to the motorway we found we were quite quickly in a slow moving queue which then stopped completely.  For three-quarters of an hour......   Sadly, it was pretty obvious that someone had had an accident, and sure enough several Emergency Vehicles then came whizzing along the hard shoulder.  Later, when we all slowly moved off, I counted five cars which all had been moved to the side, all with crunched bits of bodywork - it must have been a case of others being caught up unluckily in someones bad mistake. My OH said "Well, look at it this way, we were held up but if we hadn't stopped when we did, we might have been in amongst that mess..."

  • OG- have meant to ask you this before but keep forgetting. We only have the original Trivial Pursuit. Usually only play when my son is here because most of the others don't like board games. He has played it so often that he can remember most of the answers. With your phenomenal memory, surely you always win, LOL

  • LINDY- your OH is right. Awful for those caught up in it, though. I hope no serious injuries?

  • Annette: I really loved the photos you posted. I think Southern California has some of the most beautiful architecture in the world. I really like the styles there. Wonderful adobe! Thanks for posting those! I hope the whale count isn't cancelled, and there are lots of whales. Ms. D is gorgeous.

    OG: I'm envious of your beautiful flowers. I don't think my old daffodils are going to come up this year. I just haven't given them the proper care and maintenance, I think. It's too hard for me just to keep the lawn mowed. I hope you love your new kitchen.

    Lynette: I didn't think that bird looked like Odin, either. But I have really terrible facial recognition skills with people, so I don't have any faith at all in my bird identification. LOL!

    Clare: I forgot to tell you that I loved "Boaty McBoatface". LOL

    Heather: I wish the BBC World Service would change the music they play during breaks between programs.

    My beloved old "boombox" radio from the 1990s finally went completely kaput. I think the tuner died. So I've been listening to the World Service at night and National Public Radio (U.S.) during the day on my bigger stereo. It's an old stereo system, but it was a fairly expensive one when I bought it years ago, so the sound quality is really good and has great range. Unfortunately, if I turn the volume up loud enough to hear the BBC voices in my bedroom, then when the World Service music comes on it booms loudly, even though I've turned the bass down!

    So do you think you could call the BBC and get them to change the music to something more peaceful and quiet? Thanks. LOL LOL!!!

  • Lindy: I'm so glad your timing was blessed and you weren't involved in the accident!!!