HAPPY NEW WEEK and HAPPY EASTER (to those who celebrate the holiday).
Last week's Chat thread is here.
Everyone have a wonderful week.
Just dashing off.... thanks for good wishes.... the WiFi connection should be much improved now, due to a new transmitter thingy installed this winter, so I look forward to keeping in touch and to seeing EJ & Odin "twitterpating!" (an old word taken from the film Bambi....LOL!)
Have a GREAT time, Lindy!
I felt sorry for OG, because she's ill on her birthday, so I decided to make her a card for this thread. Hope you felt better today and were able to celebrate, OG.
Lindy: I enjoyed all of your wonderful photos. Those painted fish were lovely! Those grandchildren of yours are the most adorable tykes ever. I cannot believe how much Amber has matured. Wow. They are all very sweet.
I hope the weather is good for you for your trip.
Happy Birthday OG:-)
Heather similar early morning here but a lovely sunny but chilly walk with Daisy along the river. It's that time of year when she hates sharing it with men in posh clothes standing in the middle of it!!!!!
If only I could post pictures not a scoobies on how to.
Happy Birthday OG hope you feel well enough for birthday meal.
Margo, it's wonderful to see you. I hope you feel up to that steak soon.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Morning all:
OG: Happy birthday - and many, many more. No sign of you on here, so fear your cold must be spoiling the day. :-(
Margo: Hope you're over that chest infection very soon. Hugs to you!
Lindybird: We have three camellia bushes in our garden. Those and similar plants were all the rage in the 70s before the whole "native/drought-resistant" movement took hold. I felt guilty taking them out when we redid the whole thing, but wish I had now.
Brenda: Just Googled Great Dixter House and spent an enjoyable 20 minutes reading all about it. What a gorgeous place.
Clare: Benny Hill subtle? I must have missed that part. :-)
Heather: Hope additional silly decisions aren't spoiling your day. :-(
Wendyb: It'll take you a while to read through the "how-to" instructions (which are probably online these days). I still get into fights with my iPhone. The other day it dialed my friend (without any help from me). She answered and said it must have decided we hadn't spoken enough recently. Then I stuck it in my pocket, at which point I heard it chattering away, took a look and found it had dialed my other friend! Really, I wish it would let me make those decisions. :-)
Must sort out fountain today - lots of wind last week blew Lord-knows-what into it and it's very sluggish....
Annette don't hold your breath as I am on my third I phone going from 3 to 4 to my lovely 6 plus and in all those years have never worked it out:-(
OH works in IT but pretends ignorance when it comes to phones.
No chance of Camelias here as we get late frosts down the valley from the Cairngorms :-(
Margo rang me this afternoon. She really is not well. She is taking 5 antibiotics a day and has slept for 3 days. Margo won't usually stay in bed all day. Her lovely OH has been home with her each day. Her nutrients count was down on Saturday. Today was her first day out of bed, for a few hours. Hopefully she is on the road to recovery, but obviously she is not well enough to go out for a meal. She hasn't even got an appetite at the moment, especially for a big meal. She sends her best wishes to you all.