Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 March 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Good Morning Everyone. Cloudy here.

    Heather, What an early start for you, this morning. I can understand your daughter worrying about her OH. {{ Hugs }} to her. Eurostar has started running to Brussels again, this morning.

    House seems too warm. I need another drink. 

  • Good morning all

    The predictive text on this Kindle wants me to say 'Good morning America'. One of these days I'll do it in error. Just warning you.

    I could have started chatting with you ANNETTE ! I'd just put the Kindle on charge when you posted. The poor old thing was just about out of juice.

    I can understand why my daughter is worrying with all that is happening. I did suggest to her that security will be at maximum and today might be one of the safest.If you know what I mean. The last thing they need is for her OH to be made redundant but she is a bag of nerves when he is travelling. The phone line here in our house gets quite well used at those times. The last time he flew off to Frankfurt she was on one of those websites where you can track flights. Then I had (!) to do the same so that I knew what she was talking about.  She knows all about anxiety management etc and a lot of the time does deal well with her panicky thoughts. Other times she falls back into the habit of trying to control everything in her life in order to feel better and can't stand uncertainties of any kind.

    I hope that OG slept well after all the stress of yesterday. She must have been on tenterhooks waiting to hear from Brussels.

    The pictures in the newspaper this morning were horrifying. There must be a reason why Belgium is so full of terrorists and it would seem that maybe they just don't have the resources, either monetary or manpower to deal with the situation.

    LINDY- no wonder you conked out - I feel so sad that all the goodness your holiday did you both has been negated.

  • On a lighter note, looking forward to hearing about your lunch, OG!

  • We were intending to go to Loch an Eilein today but OH was feeling unwell when he woke. I gave Benson his forest walk nice and early, then breakfast, Oh took me for a swim while he shopped. Next stop was our usual coffee.  Oh back to work tomorrow (all being well), but hopefully we will be able to get our LaE walk on Friday.

  • DIBNLIB - Pity about your OH feeling unwell. Still, as you say, all being well you'll do it on Friday.

    I wonder if LINDY got anything for her dining room walls.

  • Well, an unplanned end to the day. Stepson's friend who spent time with OH and his late wife, years ago, phoned out of the blue late afternoon saying that he was in the area and could he come and see us. Of course, yes - but if only he had phoned earlier I would have given him dinner. As it was it is one of our 'soup evenings'. Never mind, spent a happy hour with him. This 'soup for dinner' idea is rapidly losing it's attraction.

  • Heather I love unplanned events sadly get stressed about things organised weeks in advance.

    Daisy has been a pain in the bum the last 2 days. Irritated by cows in steading, the 2 Shetland ponies in the field further on, the pheasant that thought it was road runner and the cat that goes for a walk with the local boxer dog. I am putting it down to spring as she hibernates in the winter.

    Sadly little sun which would make her happy so she could luxuriate in the garden.

  • Sorry Daisy's been difficult, Wendy. Spring can make them lively!

    Heather, nice to have a visitor. Pity he couldn't have given you notice, though.

    Dibnlib, hope your OH is feeling better.

    We had dry weather again today: I got out the loppers and cut down a very big (hardy) fuchsia bush which we trim a little in Autumn, then it seems to like a good cut in Spring. It has a lot of small red flowers, all summer, and is the last thing in the garden still flowering as we go into Winter.

    This morning we found a wall finish in B&Q which you can apply and it gives a texture, which can then be painted. We bought a tub of it to try out on one wall, to see if we like it. Then looked around for a roller to do the texturing bit...... They didn't have any, neither did the local builders merchant. Finally, we bought a stiff scrubbing brush to try! Watch this space!

  • Lindy if you could see her now on her m and s chaise longe you would think she was an angel. There again since dog behaviourist dates she is a different girl. Alex has spent his years with puppies from guide dogs and now Daisy dogs. He has an amazing Dr Doolttle approach and I am sure she would walk on hot coals for him.

  • WENDY- I wouldn't have known what a road runner was except that we came across them years ago, in ANNETTE' s neck of the woods! Sorry about Daisy, yes, Spring must be in the air.

    LINDY - Sorry that you couldn't get the applicator but at least you were successful in getting a product which will give you a texture. Fingers crossed that the scrubbing brush idea works!

    Youngest son in law arrived safely in Paris CDG, picked up hire car and is now in Calais ready to start work tomorrow.

    My brother phoned while I was typing this. He didn't mention lack of a car and neither did I. Goodness knows what they will do about transport. He is still borrowing cars.