Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 March 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Brenda:  Good that you're feeling better now.  These things can sometimes hang on for a bit and make you weary.  I see that you remember that my OH had spoken fondly of a gentle spaniel which he had when a teenager - he now can't remember what she was like as a pup!!

    I've been alternating between my Tablet and this Desktop, trying to keep up with both these threads and my emails which I am behind on in replying to. Also have had the TV on to monitor the bad news today:  words cannot come for the disgust at these people who think they can change things just by frightening and maiming others who are trying to live peaceable lives. 

    I'm also alternating between trying to get hosed down ready to go out on errands:  Bonnie has been good as she had slept this morning after a very long walk with my OH before breakfast!  I have a good thick bone which she loves to chew, and  I coat this inside and out with Marmite.....

    We are off for a few days in the middle of the Easter break, in order to minimise the travel problems, hopefully.  We are going to see our Eldest which means I will at last get to see little Amber, who is now staggering around.  We have not seen them since Christmas.  There is talk of our Youngest and family calling in for lunch on Easter Sunday so that we can all be together for just a few hours, which is something we cannot manage very often as we all live in a big triangle. Fingers crossed.

    (Bonnie is booked in at the Kennels, but don't tell my sis-in-law - she will be away herself but I don't want her to think she has to take our dog with her!)

  • margobird said:

    OG thinking of you and hoping you get news soon.

    Very  upsetting scenes yet again it seems to be impossible to stop these fanatics who place no value on their own lives or innocent people.

    Hi Margo:  Will find time to email you today:  I have been ultra busy since we got back. {{HUGS}}

  • WENDY   good news for your daughter.

    AQ  Hope you are back on your feet soon

    OG You must be worried, hope you get good news soon.

  • LINDY   good decision to put Bonnie into kennels for your wee break away.

  • Morning all: Woke to news of Brussels bombings.  :-(

    OG: Let us know when you hear  from Brussels' relatives.

    AQ: Hmmm. Maybe daughter and SiL may take this as further evidence that they need another nanny option? Do take care; hope no additional complications for that wrist.

    Diane: If I'm awake at 5 a.m. (doubtful at this point) I'll check for that "very, very subtle penumbral eclipse."  :-)

    Brenda: Hope OH's eye continues to improve.

    Lindybird:  Well, I can see where butterflies could be a real threat.  Seriously, do you and OH think that personal trainer would help? I see your OH has already seen him/her and wonder what he thought.. Kennel option sounds like a good solution for all.  

    Off to start the day.

  • As you have all commented dreadful scenes from Brussels.

    Sunny first walk dull and chilly second one.

    Daughter is still over the moon as its a step into management at the school. She is planning her stapler pot plant and Daisy photo for her office which has a sea view over Swanage.

  • Been to get some errands, and had some of my holiday photos printed out on a dratted machine:  it missed the edges off some of the pictures and hence half of someones face in a group photo!

    I'm going to try to get some of them to scan into my pc so that maybe I can show you them.

    Wendy:   How nice for your daughter:  Swanage is a lovely town.

    Annette:  We are looking at all the options now for dogs who are crazy - don't think my OH was very enamoured of the man he saw about getting her to return to him when called, before.   My OH has just come back from taking Bonnie on a long walk, where she played with other dogs and will hopefully be tired out....   She also ran through some mud so had to be washed for the second time in a day and a half.  When he let go of her into the kitchen, she promptly left large muddy footprints all over the tiles.  When he put an old towel on his foot to walk around and clean up, she thought it was a great game to bite at it!!

  • Well, just scanned some (real) photos with my printer, and then looked to see where they have gone on my pc - absolutely no idea!  Searched through hundreds of pictures and files, but they are nowhere......

    Can't just get my pc to read my discs of pictures any more, as my Youngest put me onto a Dropbox system which I don't understand and which quickly fills up.  Then I can't put on any more pictures until I delete some already there.  Grr!!

  • ps.  Still have lots of pictures of Malta from last November which I can't put on here, either....  I hate machines....

  • Hi everyone

    Thank you for all comments and support regarding my new kitchen, difficulties with being a stepmother etc. I don't often 'open up' on a public forum, but I thought, these are my friends. Why can't I just say what I want to? Why are lots of us emailing each other privately? And therefore, are we just talking trivia on here? Probably, yes!

    OG - I do hope that you have heard from your cousin that they have not been affected by events in Brussels. Without asking, I received an email from Merete in Denmark telling me that our friends Birthe and husband Mogens are back in Denmark.

    ANNETTE - I am just waiting for stepson to make a comment about our new kitchen. I am ready for it:-)