Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 March 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Good Morning, and thanks to Clare for starting our day with a good laugh:  I saw the new ship on TV and was trying to think of a name, myself, but now much prefer the suggestions, in particular "Captain Haddock!" LOL!

    I needed a laugh as we have been discussing Bonnie endlessly since we returned from sis in laws, and she slept quietly beside me on the sofa whilst we watched the Gordon Buchanan programme last night (which was just great). Then Bonnie woke, and slipped away to get a drink in the kitchen. Later, my OH could not find her anywhere at all......... he went upstairs and found her asleep on his bed! She has only ever been upstairs once before, to explore when she once escaped. Much as I love sis in law, I'm now cross with her as she has undermined what discipline we had instilled, by not sticking to our strict rules.

    Lots written above - I'll come back later with some replies.

  • You make me really glad we don't have a dog, Lindy.  Six birds are enough fun - all we have to worry about are the cockatiels pooing on Limpy, plus the rampant mating sessions!  In fact I don't worry about either of those.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Dogs are usually rewarding as long as you're prepared to put in the time on training and lots of walks. We've had dogs and puppies before, but this one really is something else.

    Yesterday I popped into the garden to fill the bird feeders, to hear the steady thundering crashing sound as she hurled herself bodily at the fence on the far side of the garden, trying to get out. She kept it up for five minutes before she gave up. In a way, I felt strangely glad that my sis in law found her "challenging" as I don't want our friends and relatives to think that it's just us, doing things wrongly.

  • SHE'S BACK!!!!!!!  EJ!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning Everyone. Cloudy here.

    AQ, A puppy and babies, obviously not a good combination, especially when the children are in different moods and the puppy wants to play. Temperatures in the high twenties is still hot. I do admire how you cope.

    Annette, I really do hope your granddaughter will be happy in her new home. Looking forward to seeing your photographs.

    Linda, You are sounding tense again, so soon after your relaxing holiday. Possibly it was the only way your S-i-L was able to get a good sleep.

  • Just saw her, BRENDA!! Great news.

  • What a special day – EJ back already!  Her crop looks quite sunken, but she is enjoying a fish, and has always known where to find the best ones!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Yippee a friend texted me to say EJ home OMG those captures of our girl are such a sight for teary eyes.  Can't wait to get home to see her on screen, to say I am ecstatic is an understatement. 

    Sorry wrong thread