Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 March 2016


Last week's Chat Thread is here.

In the U.S., we change to Daylight Saving Time tonight.

I shared this link on my Facebook page, and I thought I'd include it here. This is Shades State Park (Forest), which is just down the road from me. My grandfather was a park ranger there for many years. It's one of my favorite places in the world. I'm so ready for spring weather.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Thank you to all who mentioned my birthday - today.  Sun is shining (for St Patrick, as well as me?).

  • BRENDA - thanks for news from MARGO - much as expected, I suppose.  But it sounds as if she will have very good palliative care, being seen that often by her consultant!

    MARGO - thinking of you.

    OH collected teeth and we went to inspect the new store.  Actually went to look for six medium sized mushrooms, but they only sell fruit and veg in prepacked quantities - except for avocados and neeps which you can choose individually.  Offered OH a birthday cake, and came away with a yukky white and pink concoction costing £1-59 and oozing sugar at every pore!  (Do cakes have pores?  Probably not and if they did they would be clogged with cholesterol!)

    Now awaiting visitor.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all:

    Brenda: Not happy to read dear Margo's news. I guess no chance of her taking part in that experimental treatment/study she mentioned previously? Please do pass on our love to her and her OH.

    Diane: Have sent myself an e-mail re the NASA launch. Thank you.

    Lindybird: Welcome home; will await more info on vacation and Bonnie. Wonder if she'll come home accompanied by a bill for damages...  Sounds like you may have to retrain her re her crate.

    dibnlib: Ugh - don't even remind what having impressions taken feels like. :-)

    EE:  You and Ms. D share a birthday!  My (sainted Irish) Mum would've have been thrilled to bits to know Ms. D was born on St. Paddy's day. She is 5 today.  

    OG: I prefer to buy veggies you can pick up and inspect.  Have fun with the vicar.

    Off to meet daughter at halfway point. She is off to AZ this weekend for Ms. D's birthday party on Sunday. Also, granddaughter has just snagged a lovely (if somewhat pricey) house to rent where she can have her horses and chickens. More on that later.

    Take care all.

  • Happy Birthday to MsD, as well as EE!  I have had some funny clips of films on my Facebook page from friends, but don't know how to reproduce them here, darn it.  (EDIT  ~~  In relation to it being St. Patrick's Day, that is, LOL!)

    I'll have to keep popping in with snippets of news etc, I think.  I went on my Email this morning, and found that I had received 469 new ones since I last logged in......  I went through them in batches, deleting them six at a time whilst stopping now & then to read ones of interest. It still took me over an hour to get through about three quarters of them.

    My OH & I felt very tired for the first few days of hols, partly due to the journey and partly due to stress we arrived with, I think. However, we soon perked up and in spite of the weather (more of that later) we enjoyed ourselves and by the time we had our Last Dinner of Hols on last Tuesday night, we agreed with each other that it had done us both the world of good.

    We had a good journey out, and were greeted by the car company, who we have used before, with the news that we would be upgraded as they had no more small vehicles in stock: we usually ask for whatever their smallest one is as we just want to be able to get about. It was some sort of Seat, and was red coloured, apart from that I don't know much as I'm not much interested in cars but it was medium sized and very comfortable.  We arrived at our destination tired but happy as it was not late, and went out to dinner to eat Lasagne at a nearby Italian restaurant.

  • Have finally been able to get my Friend on the phone:  she has been out all day.  She had been to M&S to get some new black trousers to wear for the funeral of another friends Mother, who passed away this week.  My Friend was trying not to worry too much about her OH as we left home, as he had been feeling very achey and was having trouble lifting things:  he has had a lot of tests whilst we have been gone, and it has now been pronounced as a Rheumatoid condition and he is taking steriods for it.

  • Birthday Cake

    My birthday, and I spied a cake ~
    So good, I thought, "I cannot wait!"
    Although a garish pink and white,
    It promised sweetness with every bite.
    So proudly home we bore it, to see
    If we could manage a slice for tea.

    Alas, as my wife had remarked before
    "It oozes cholesterol from every pore!"
    It proved so true, it proved to be right!
    For as I took my first large bite:

    My filling came out and I swallowed it whole!
    It disappeared fast, down my big 

    Alas, Alack!  I can't send it all back!
    It could have triggered a heart attack
    we thought, but no, it was not that ~
    It was off to the dentists once again:
    A man who I've seen too often and then.

    So let this be a lesson to all who are greedy:
    Send the money instead, off to the needy!
    Don't be tempted by a cake large and white
    Or you might find that it's not just you who can bite!

  • LINDY glad to hear the holiday has done you a power of good. Hope the news of Bonnies stay with SiL isn't too bad. If she was allowed to sleep on the bed she must still be loved.

    MARGO  Thinking of you.

  • OH's mouth mark, examined yesterday at hospital is thought to be an amalgam tattoo, probably caused when having a filling or a tooth extraction. He has to go back for a biopsy.

    His eye procedure was rescheduled for today. It involved 100 laser zaps of his trabecular meshwork, ( an operation performed 5 years ago ) apparently remodelling it to relieve his eye pressure, by improving the natural flow of excess fluid out of the eye. Returns to hospital in 3 to 4 weeks. Relaxing at home now.

    Diane, Thank you for the link, re the launch.

    Annette, The trial for Margo, if suitable, would take place in Kings, London. Margo is not optimistic about it. Happy Birthday to Ms. D.

    OG, I was going to ring you, but then I saw your timetable for today. A rather busy day. I hope this afternoon's meeting, doesn't involve your OH taking on too much church work. 

    Linda, I hope there isn't a bad report, re Bonnie. Hope Bonnie just reverts to her normal routine of sleeping in her crate.  

  • dibnlib said:

    LINDY glad to hear the holiday has done you a power of good. Hope the news of Bonnies stay with SiL isn't too bad. If she was allowed to sleep on the bed she must still be loved.

    MARGO  Thinking of you.

    No worry there:  Bonnie is much loved, it spite of all.  My sis-in-law is very fond of her and we ourselves are now very attached, as we have had her from when she was small.  Discussions are ongoing about her future discipline, if any!

    EDIT:   We have not had the full story of her exploits yet, I suspect, but she has certainly escaped from sis-in-laws garden several times, causing much searching and heartache. This in spite of our buying sis-in-law a whole new stretch of fencing, and my OH going there to inspect the entire garden before we left.

  • Brilliant Linda. Don't worry, the cake is for the Minister LOL