Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 March 2016


The New Moon (the dark Moon) is on Tuesday.

Last week's chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week. Spring is almost here!!!

  • We had a two minute snow shower this afternoon, otherwise it has been a bright, cool day. Threatened rain did not arrive.

    Annette, Linda is now having good weather. I really can't remember what the white flower is called. I do know it, and I will probably remember when I am in bed tonight. My son sent that bouquet earlier this year, which was a lovely surprise and was not for any special occasion.
    Glad you had a good rainfall, but sorry about your unfortunate kicking of the cat food.
    You really sound rather ill. Do take care of yourself. X

    OG, Thinking of you. I do hope you are feeling much better. 

  • Hello, all.  Had a good Mothering Sunday and received a book from J, shortbreads from Dau#2 and a card from Dau#1; also all ladies – and most men – at church received a potted primrose!  It was a lovely sunny day – and even a wee bit warmer!

    Diane – naming a new Tarantula after “The Man in Black” doesn’t seem very flattering (he is one of J’s heroes!) but I understand the geographical link.

    Annette – you seem well-armed against the bug or virus, but I wish it wasn’t attacking you!  Do take care and watch out for any worsening of symptoms, after news from AZ.  Local outbreak here seems to be mainly Norovirus – hospital wards closed in various locations, several schools too, and they have it in an old-folks’ home in Dumfries – locally known as a “visit from Nora”!  That Death Valley Super- Bloom sounds wonderful – and I am already envying GDaughter the Alpine Meadows she will see spring into life in Switzerland before she comes home!  Another spider incident?  Oh no!  And then falling over the cat food – you definitely don’t sound good – take care!  Pleased about rains.

    Keith – what a lovely card, thank you.  I too call it Mothering Sunday, which was its historic origin in the church.

    Brenda – that was a pretty bunch of flowers from your Son.  I have received quite a few non-event cards and flowers from Dau#2 this year – really appreciated them.  I’ve felt fine today, so think I am over the whatever-it-was!  J too.

    OH is off to Carlisle in the morning to take some carpet trimmings to be edge-stitched – not as rugs per se (condemned loose rugs years ago as dangerous for the elderly) but to go under our rise-and-recline chairs which are making ugly marks.  Otherwise, will be a quiet day apart from laundry and ironing, and all at home in the evening.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Can you believe it, I took my lunch to the patio today (warm, if breezy, but I was well wrapped up), shook out the towel I use to keep the dirt off the chair cushions, and out fell a Black Widow spider!  I flipped it over and there was the bright red/orange spot on its abdomen. It look a bit confused, but I managed to chase it off with the broom.

    Brenda: Flowers are even nicer when so unexpected.

    OG: My OH likes rugs over carpeting. I don't mind too much but ours are heavy enough not to cause problems (she said!).  And yes, they are just one household hazard to watch out for.  Of course, with me it seems to be cat food.

    Last night of Downton Abbey has arrived. :-(    

  • ANNETTE - maybe the rugs explain the spiders, who have to resort to towels on the patio!  But if you choose to spread cat food instead ... Wishing you a less hazardous and recovering week!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good morning everyone

    It is cold here, minus a couple of °Celsius but the sun is bright. After a better than usual sleep I'm feeling full of beans and ready to tackle all chores. Yesterday was a bit of a wasted day, both of us felt lacking in energy. Probably the effects of our social afternoon on Saturday, even though I didn't do any of the preparation and clearing up. Now, it may have been something to do with the bottles of Prosecco that son in law brought with him..... hard to resist, served in a champagne flute with a strawberry in the glass!

    BRENDA your flowers looked beautiful, and KEITH, thank you for the lovely thought of sending us flowers! Much appreciated.

    My three girls brought flowers, two were pot plants. My OH was hoping that I would be given chocolates but he was unlucky!

    ANNETTE Please feel better, soon. Do you think it is the same bug that your family have had? It is a good job that you didn't fall when you knocked the cat dish over. Sometimes (often) its the most trivial things that cause injury. Speaking of injuries my head has healed. OH cut out some of the knotted hair and the hairdresser will sort out the rest on Thursday.

    OG We have quite an outbreak of norovirus in town here and all visiting to Raigmore Hospital was suspended for a couple of days. A couple of wards were closed to visitors for a longer period.  

    Everyone - have a good day

  • Good Morning Everyone. A cold icy morning. Looks as if we had a snow shower during the night, which has frozen with the minus temperatures. The sun is shining so hope it thaws soon.

    OG, Pleased to see that yourself and 'J' have now recovered.

    Heather, I have heard of people suffering from norovirus in this area, but most people are complaining of this cough, which never seems to go away. A neighbour has pneumonia.
    Lack of energy, for both of you yesterday, is understandable, after your family celebrations.  Don't work too hard today.

    Annette, You do seem to be seeing more spiders than you would prefer. I hope you feel brighter when you wake up.

    Back to the HW and washing, then playing bowls this afternoon.

  • Linda is feeling quite cold today. Grey sky and windy. It seems there has not been really good weather for the last six weeks. They did have some sunshine, but it has disappeared again. I do hope it improves for them. 

  • Margo is starting her chemo today and will have more blood tests on Thursday. Still no results from her bone marrow test, which Margo explained to us.

  • Good morning – I know I was here before, but wasn’t fully awake then!  Since then, had breakfast, tidied up after weekend, washed up (OH is back and now doing a second batch), did ironing … now resting my back!

    Heather – pleased you have more energy today and could actually report a good night’s sleep!  I saw reports about Raigmore on the news, and Dau was talking about it yesterday – a lot of their staff are married to health professionals, so they are worried that any of them might bring it their way!

    Brenda – no snow here, but quite a frost; now another wonderful sunny day.  Enjoy the bowls.  Thought it was this week that Margo is having chemo – but it seems to come around more frequently after having been less often for a few months, so I do lose track!

    Margo – thoughts and prayers for you!

    Nearly lunchtime – had blueberry muffin and a banana for breakfast, so feeling hungry!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • BRENDA - I do hope that the clouds shift for LINDA. The forecast looks better for the end of the week. After her disappointing holiday in Malta last year I was hoping that they would have a great time in their usual winter haunt, the Canaries. The only saving grace is that the temps are better than here. I can't remember when they are due home?

    Thinking of MARGO, as always.

    OG - Look after that back, glad to see that you are resting it after your chores! We have had lunch. White anchovies with a baguette and butter. I hate brown salty anchovies but do like these. OH is working outside. Finally, he can see Spring around the corner.