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Unknown said:It was a female osprey. Glesni ??
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Kim says it was 5F. They have a good shot of her leg ring.
It'll be interesting to see if Blue 24 gets to keep her flounder. Herring gulls are very persistent birds!
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Unknown said:After awaiting arrivals, now we begin the season of "challenges."
This seems to be the female semi-final
What a battle !!!
Unknown said: B24 knocked off nest. Do enlarge the pic to see that she is upside down. © DOP
B24 knocked off nest. Do enlarge the pic to see that she is upside down.
Wow, Brenda - I was staring at photo trying to work out what I was seeing, then read your comment!!! That's amazing - well captured.
Tiger and Chloe's Osprey Info
Great capture, Brenda! Holymoly.
The moment Blue24 was hit by the unknown osprey
Kim has looked at recordings and says that the two ospreys did not make contact.
A crow has stolen B24's flounder off the nest.