Latest from Dyfi Happy St David's Day
Tiger Signature
On the boingy perch
B24 arrives with a flounder.
12:21 - Emyr - MWT : OSPREY12:23 -
kim : Osprey has gone up river, kite is after the flounder
Red Kite wants the flounder
Herring Gulls tormenting her now. They all want her flounder.
She is being bombarded from left and right.
12:37 - Emyr - MWT : 2 ospreys 1 kite 1 1
2:38 - Emyr - MWT :Blue 24 being mobbed by another osprey, kite watching too. he has the best view.
B24 knocked off nest. Do enlarge the pic to see that she is upside down.
2:40 - kim : both Ospreys down stream - kite in tow too!
It was a female osprey. Glesni ??