Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 February 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Annette: This is the way that you encourage moles and gophers to leave your property. LOL LOL

Everyone have a wonderful week.

  • Evening all:  Will not comment on just how weird English is. Of course, it would help if we had schools that actually taught English grammar.  Really looks like we might get several inches of rain this next week or so. Am so excited!!  :-)

    Diane: Was on one website today and saw a "buying property in Canada" section with views/prices of houses in various parts of the country. Somebody obviously saw the item on the Google searches.

    Have a good Saturday all.

  • Annette: I hope that you get the good rain that you need! That looks like a big tropical front. Hope you won't get mudslides.

    Interesting about the real estate ads. Out of curiosity, I took the initial anonymous eligibility test for express entry into Canada for residence. I didn't qualify because -- due to those years that I cared for my parents -- my paid work history over the last ten years was insufficient. If I were able to obtain a job in Canada and then apply for express entry, the results might be different. Or I could explore the other immigration programs.

  • Promising bright sunny start to Saturday - 2.7 degrees C.  Wishing ANNETTE a good healthy rain; DIANE some sort of bearable weather (not sure which way it is swinging right now); AQ a good trip; LINDA continuing sunshine; WENDY fun with the girls, happy memories and some lovely Lundy sunsets; MARGO an excellent steak dinner and EVERYONE a great weekend.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • It did occur to me afterwards,CLARE, that it may have just been an excuse, blaming a temp. I came across the same thing when Sheana was in the care home. Amazing how many times the blame for something was put on an anonymous agency nurse who 'only did one or two shifts' there. Very unfair and I should have remembered that before saying what I did,in the heat of the moment.

  • Good morning all from a very sunny Weymouth...

    Will be going to Dorchester on the train today... Very excited as haven't been on a train for 20 plus years.

    Lovely meal out with daughter and a very good friend.

    Off to read posts now.

    I gather it's snowing at home.

  • Good Morning Everyone. The frost is melting in the garden, but the car is very icy. Rain due later.

    Daughter stayed rather late last night, but had to return home for Ruby's puppy training class at 9am this morning. Daughter and OH took Ruby over the fields for a 'walk'. They returned home so muddy. I handed towels and a bowl of warm water to them outside, before they were allowed back into the house. LOL Spoke to son and his wife earlier this morning, before they boarded their flight from Japan to Singapore. They both said that they have enjoyed the much lower temperatures in Japan. It was DiL's birthday yesterday.  

    Wendy, Enjoy your train ride. You are obviously having a wonderful time. 

  • Brenda: Ruby is a lovely puppy. She has a nice little face.

    Wendy: Have a great time!

  •  Just for you Diane. Ruby on a walk in London before she came here..

  • Love the photo of Ruby, BRENDA!

    Family all gone home after a lovely lunch here organised by youngest son in law. Twelve of us, good food, good company and the kitchen has been left sparkling clean so no chores for me.

  • Brenda: Lovely photo of Ruby - just bought some daffodils (imported from Canada) and they smell so wonderful....

    Heather: I clearly had the wrong family!  (Just kidding). :-)

    Achy neck glands now retreating slowly in favor or runny nose, sneezes and sore throat. Where's the salt water?  Must try to head off any pesky cough.

    Was making bed this morning and put back pillow with fancy sham to see a Huge Black Spider plop out.  Whacked him off the bed with a shoe (sorry, but OH was in the shower) and then gingerly picked him with what seemed like a truckload of tissues and dispatched him to a secure location....  don't ask.