Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 February 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • ANNETTE - start of your whale count means spring is coming soon, and cooler weather for AQ, so it's always a good sign!  Look forward to good news as the northward migration progresses!

    Have a wonderful trip and enjoy time with GD and Miss D!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • ANNETTE - I'm sure you do this Whale Count more often than yearly!!

  • Brenda: Thanks for the update on Margo. Sounds like an exhausting 7 hours. Wonder how long it'll take the tranfusions to kick in...

    OG: Well I certainly hope AQ gets some cooler temps. Lord knows we aren't.

    LizLFW: Indeed - and before I know what's going on, it'll be May and we'll be done with it.

    Four northbound whales today and two southbound (the latter are late to the party down south). We don't count southbound. I saw those and one northbound, which took forever to putter by - oh my aching arms, what with holding the heavy binoculars up to my eyes for almost two hours. Creak. Told Mike the lead investigator than in addition to lawn chairs, umbrellas and a coffee cart, it would be nice to have someone on hand for shoulder massages!  He agreed it would be nice. :-)

  • Annette, Pleased that you found a suitable hotel. Now you can enjoy your long weekend with your Granddaughter and G. Granddaughter.
    The whale count does seem to have arrived very quickly this year, but then, the years seem to be passing very quickly these days. LOL 

  • Weather respite is over. Temps gradually climbing to 40 C by Monday if one can believe the 7-day forecast. Yesterday was a lost day recovering from Mon nanny day. I did little more than hang washing, wash dishes, snooze while twins were napping and referee while the three played in sandpit. While Dau took twins in for bath, I sat & watched Miss4 as they have a small plastic above-ground pool and nannies have strict instructions about supervision when children outside. I was dreaming of winter when it will be too cold for pool and kids can be sent outside to play Alone. Alas I realized s-i-l has rigged up pump for chlorine and tubing on roof for heating, so perhaps the pool won’t be  put away <sigh>

  • AQ:  Hmmm.  Maybe tubing will develop a tear? Can't imagine how that might happen....   :-)

  • Good Morning, All.  Well, it rained all evening and all night last night, and was very very cold. I wished I had an extra blanket but was too cold to get out of bed to fetch one!!  (We only have the heating on at night if it's lower than minus 4)

    It's shocking that Annettes whale watch has started - I'm convinced it's twice a year!!  Glad you got your hotel sorted, Annette, hope you enjoy your trip.

    AQ - Those nanny days don't seem to get any easier. The pool must be fun for them, but water is scary in terms of safety for little ones. We would have liked an ornamental pond but dare not put one in when we began to have grandchildren. I've seen a few of those tv shows where folks emigrate from here to Aus. and the properties they look at often have swimming pools built in, but I noticed that they are nearly always fenced and gated.

  • Margo -  Thinking of you and hope you'll feel the benefit soon. {HUGS}

  • Good Morning Everyone. Another cold night but no frost. Rain tonight and tomorrow. Looking at the weather this morning, I guess some of you had more snow last night.

    AQ, In those temperatures, I think I would be sitting in the pool with the children :-)
    Seriously though, I don't know  how you cope in those permanent high temperatures. It doesn't sound like you have anything cooler forecast.

    Diane, I do hope your temperatures are beginning to rise and your pain is easing. Living in such cold weather and being in pain are not a good combination. 

    Annette Pleased to see that your plumbing problem was resolved and hoping that Heather's shower is now fixed. 

  • Annette – how wonderful that you saw a northbound Whale on your first shift.  I wonder whether there will be enough Whale data this year to assess any effects of El Nino on their breeding season in the south?

    AQ – sorry the heat is back – take care! 

    Linda – we also had overnight rain, and then a dull morning, but the cloud seems higher this afternoon.  Can’t grumble, there were surface-water warnings in much of our region, and the notorious Whitesands in Dumfries is flooded again – road and carparks closed due to rising river.  We are lucky just here, and don’t need to go anywhere.  Half term here for three days, but J is in for a training seminar today, then travels to Manchester tomorrow for his check-up Friday; a mixed blessing that it fell at half term!

    Did minor HW this morning, checked greenhouse for watering and now OH is putting extra sealant down the edges of the shower enclosure, just to improve the finish.  Pleased with the new blinds; only the carpet on order now, and then want to change one of the towel rails before declaring the room finally finished!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!