Friday, January 8th, 2016
haut schorre IPA 4FJ / Arès (33)
1 Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
[Alexandre Bert Guide Naturaliste Ot D'arès]
Comment :d'abord posé puis harcelé par 3 corneilles, décollent vers le ferret
Detail : 1x (stationary)

  • Fairly certain there is an osprey around the area. It is an established territory and there have been a couple more sightings since that photo according to Debby Thorne.

  • It was from the visitors centre car park to Crauchan Power Station that I watched an osprey dive for fish. Same area that Sheila FE has captured. Black Jaguar who used to post on the threads also watched two ospreys last summer from the same vantage point on Loch Awe.

  • Let's go ospreys let's go!!!!

    04/03 15:37 ISLE OF WIGHT : Osprey, Roslin [S]

    one perched on small tree close to Roslin Farm at c.SZ491558 mid-afternoon (14:15)

    04/03 17:10 LOTHIAN : Osprey, Millerhill [S]
    one flew northeast at c.13:00 (13:00)

    04/03 18:22 BORDERS : Osprey, Innerleithen [S]
    one flew northwest (10:00)

  • Excellent news Alan. Keep up the great work.

    Kind regards


  • Thanks, Alan!  How do these sightings compare to previous year's earliest sightings?

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Unknown said:

    Let's go ospreys let's go!!!!

    04/03 15:37 ISLE OF WIGHT : Osprey, Roslin [S]

    one perched on small tree close to Roslin Farm at c.SZ491558 mid-afternoon (14:15)

    04/03 17:10 LOTHIAN : Osprey, Millerhill [S]
    one flew northeast at c.13:00 (13:00)

    04/03 18:22 BORDERS : Osprey, Innerleithen [S]
    one flew northwest (10:00)


    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Not sure, Clare...Maybe there is an official minimum before a proper 'Yeah!' is allowed--lol!  I await the experts' opinions!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • SheilaFE said:

    This is the photo on the FB page - public - how could you +ly id that!

    Well it's either an osprey or a penguin and I know which is more likely ;-)

    No, unfortunately I think it's a cormorant.

    However, great news from ALAN - thank you for your faithful reporting :-)

  • Morning all, I also would like to thank Alan for keeping us in the picture, and having seen Gardenbirders question I too was interested and Ospreys are natures natural clock/calender. Last year thanks to Alans reporting was.



    Here we go!!!!

    04/03 13:13 NORTH YORKSHIRE : Osprey, Barden Scale Raptor Watchpoint [S]


    flew northwest along River Wharfe (12:05)

    And this year youve guessed it, same date with just over a 2 1/2  hour time difference in sighting times.


    Let's go ospreys let's go!!!!

    04/03 15:37 ISLE OF WIGHT : Osprey, Roslin [S]

    one perched on small tree close to Roslin Farm at c.SZ491558 mid-afternoon (14:15)

    04/03 17:10 LOTHIAN : Osprey, Millerhill [S]

    one flew northeast at c.13:00 (13:00)

    04/03 18:22 BORDERS : Osprey, Innerleithen [S]

    one flew northwest (10:00)

    Regards Shane


    My Photos in Flickr.

  • The answer to the Loch Awe 'Osprey ' is :) 04/03 20:11 ARGYLL : Osprey, Lochawe Tuesday's reported bird at Cruachan was actually a Common Buzzard (01/03)
