This is a continuation from Rutland Osprey Project 2015
Tiger Signature
Unknown said: We could really do with a family tree! Has one ever been drawn up?
We could really do with a family tree! Has one ever been drawn up?
LATEST NEWS FROM River Gwash - Looks like 5N's mate is back O1(09), more fabulous photos.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Blue 28(10) at Horn Mill
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Sorry, duplicate
Kind regards, Ann
Good news about 01(09) and 5N--more cousins/sibligs for Glesni to come!
I've just got home from rutland. They have 18 ospreys back including the 7 pairs which raised chucks last year. Only two haven't returned so far - 03 (97) and his mate. They had hoped she would return and pair up with one of the 4 single males.
Thanks Sandra, good to know, I did wonder about the Site B female pairing up with one of the single males.
Hoped for better news about 03(97) and his mate.
But let's be positive and pray for a good strong easterly wind to blow a couple of those single males in the direction of Wales.
Thanks Sandra, we know 51(11) is there, I guess the others will be 30(10), 1J(13) & 4K(13) who were there last year. I don't think 3J(13) got further than Cambridge last year & 1K(13) was spotted in Belgium
I believe 30(10) is hanging around site B a lot.
I think we need a strong westerly to blow those troublesome girls back from Wales!