I just found a live broadcast on TV and I've been doing some streewalk, Almost feel like I've been there.
Hope all that watched Winterwatch tonight from The Cairngorms enjoyed it.
The Golden eagles are going to become star of the show.
Tonight's Satellite tracked Golden Eagle feeding on the carcass 100 miles SW on Mull.
Managed a screen shot from my TV tonight.
The boat on your picture is the ferry to Aberdeen at the ferry terminal. The building looks like The Shetland Hotel which is adjacent to the terminal.
Them Vikings spent all year building their longboat and now are burning it.
Its a bit wild up there today to be parading around. The harbour is about 15 minutes walk away.
I had just been streetwalking the ferry area i n Lerwick thinking the ship/boat(?) there must be the ferry to Aberdeen and wishing I could be on it, Then saw the Line advertised on the telly I was watching. All sorts of interesting things in Scotland today with the golden eagle, Australia Day and UpTelly Aa.
I think Australia Day may be celebrated big.in Australia and just observed by some in Scotland. Is this correct?
I think our posts must have crossed, Keith. I notice you call it a boat, whereas I was unsure.
The streetwalking pictures are new, made in September, this past fall. I will have a lot of streetwalking to do to see if anything has changed or if I can still recognize old favorite spots. This is the "crazy" boat I mentioned earlier.
This just came in an email along with other photos. So what do Scots wear under their kilts. We still can't tell, can we? This gentleman guards his secret well! lol
Re: birdwatch packs and forms:
Some lovely street-walking photos, June! Keith, I watched Winterwatch last night, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I see that Unsprung will be on tonight, on the Red Button at 9.00pm.
A few days ago Paul Wright commented on News from Other Nests that the Teviot nest had been damaged in the storms. I came across this video this morning, showing the flooding today at Hawick. There is more water to come. It has just been mentioned on the BBC 1.00pm news too. River levels are expected to peak this afternoon.
Flooding at Conwy,, north Wales, and snow in northern Scotland. When will it all end.
Many thanks for the link for birdwatch, Mrs T.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
JUNE - The crazy looking boat is an accommodation barge built in The Netherlands called the Sans Vitesse.
It was chartered to Petrofac and berthed at Mair’s Quay to house workers involved in the construction of the Shetland Gas Plant at Sullom Voe.
I have seen it at berth on a few occasions I had visited - think it has gone now and the quay is being developed as a new fish market.
SHIELA FE - Looking forward to further three days of winter watch. There was significant snow falls in the area overnight.
The flooding at Hawick overnight was serious and a short while ago residents have been evacuated.
It probably would be expected given the location of the nest on the Teviot that it would be damaged given the amount of rain and the flood levels of the Teviot since December. Lets hope they can erect a new nest nearby for the returning pair.