Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 December 2015

Last week's Chat thread is HERE. Please check back for some posts from old friends.

This is the last thread of the year.


I wish everyone a new year of happiness, contentment, and love. You are all dear to me, and I cherish your friendship as we begin another year together! Have a wonderful 2016!

Blue Sky and Double Rainbows
Laysan Island, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Here's a series of pix (of questionable quality) taken of the birds at our fountain this morning. They're arranged by size of bird. The first is the typical size of the everyday finches, etc. we see all the time.  They do like to sit on the very top outlet - a personal freshness choice perhaps?  :-))

    Next are American Robins, seasonal visitors that visit in family groups; this is the second year we've seen them at the fountain.

    What's intriguing about the next (fuzzy) one is the black bird that suddenly showed up - may have seen it once or twice before but not sure what it is - a European Starling?

    And finally, they all took off when this regular visitor showed up - he/she's huge! Not one to mess with..

    OH and I moved our bird feeders to a more protected area so haven't seen the Cooper's Hawk these last few days.

  • Annette - I am guessing your picture at 5:57 is from the Orange Groves of California. The nearest I have come to them is flying on the ride at Soarin and you can smell the orange groves as you fly over them.

    I too had good news out of California this Christmas. My Nephew and his wife had a baby girl on Christmas Day - They live in Berkley in the San Francisco Bay Area of CA.

    Thank You for your kind comment - I don't feel like an intruder.

  • RITA   See PM just sent.  Hope it makes sense.

  • Happy New Year to one and all.

  • Keith: No intruders here for sure. That photo was taken in my own garden in Santa Barbara this morning (actually we're in Goleta, next door to SB). The tree is an Owari Satsuma mandarin to be precise. We also have a Valencia orange tree that has been behaving oddly this year, no doubt due to the drought. I've driven by the orange groves near Palm Springs in the spring and yes, the fragrance from the blossoms almost knocks you out. A Christmas baby sounds wonderful but later on the poor parents will have to organize birthday parties as well as Christmas events. Berkeley is a great area from multiple standpoints - have been there a couple of times.

    Rita: Nice that you were able to enjoy the evening with a 16-year-old. They can be so restless at that age....

  • I must pop in and say a Happy New Year to all on here. I do read this thread and feel guilty at not contributing much at all.

    I had a quiet week, but was in contact with siblings and niece and nephews - text and Skype are wonderful things!

    Glad everyone has had a nice time, and keeps well in the New Year.

    Must go, it is Sherlock now!

  • It’s cool this morn, amazing. I may start to feel human again!

    Brenda & Annette – I heard that the Sydney fireworks cost $7 m. SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS ???? I can’t help wondering how that money would help medical research or food production in needy countries.

    Last night I watched the Vienna New Year concert. Previous years it started 9.30 pm our time, about an hour delay. For some reason this time it was a 3 hour delay, starting at 10 mins to midnight. OH went to bed and missed it. How many others didn’t last until 2.20 am finish? Next thing the TV channel will complain of poor ratings and not play it at all. It has been several years since we saw the Carols from Kings (Cambridge).

  • Just wanted to say a big hallo to ChrisyB who popped in.  :-)

    AQ: $7m? Doesn't matter whether it's U.S. or Australian; that's an awful lot of money up in smoke.  Here in the U.S. we could use it to provide medical care for the many uninsured and - oh yes - better education for young kiddies on the off chance they might be taught more than just how to fill in circles on tests. The Vienna New Year concert is on here this evening. I see Julie Andrews will be participating (not sure about singing, given that her vocal chords were messed up by some doctor).

    Off to Los Angeles on the train in the a.m. to meet my Kansas City friend who's in town visiting her family. She's taking the light rail from Long Beach; we'll have lunch at Union Station or go to Olvera Street - literally the oldest street in Los Angeles  - where there are lots of Mexican restaurants and shops.

    Have a good Saturday all. (I'm very turned around - I keep thinking it's Sunday today).

    EDIT: Sometimes millionaires come in handy: An Alabama real estate developer - and a Republican - paid who-knows-how-much for a pilot to sky write "Trump is disgusting" and "anybody but Trump" over the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, scene of one of the most-watched football games of the year.  Apparently he has plans for additional stunts. :-)

  • Rosy: I can't imagine taking a chisel to Stonehenge! Yikes! That was a different day and time. :-)))

    Rosy and Annette: I used to make candied carrots all the time, because that's the only way my Dad would eat them. :-)

    Heather: I hope you're feeling better and the rash is diminishing.

    Rita: Glad you've had a nice holiday. Enjoy your granddaughter's visit.

    Keith: Thanks for the lovely greeting!

    So nice to see ChrisyB, George, LizLFW, Heron, Sheila, bjane, and Starling!!!

    AQ/Annette: That's a lot of money for fireworks. I looked up our exchange rate: $1 Australian equals $0.73 U.S.

    It's interesting to note that the national minimum wage in the U.S. is only $7.25, while the Australian minimum wage is $17.29. The U.S. minimum wage will not cover the most basic living expenses here.

    Annette: Loved your birdy photos. Enjoy your train trip tomorrow and your visit with your friend. I hope you have a grand time. Be sure to hold your breath when the train goes by that giant methane leak!

    Everyone have a great weekend!!!

  • Unknown said:
    Sometimes millionaires come in handy: An Alabama real estate developer - and a Republican - paid who-knows-how-much for a pilot to sky write "Trump is disgusting" and "anybody but Trump" over the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, scene of one of the most-watched football games of the year.  Apparently he has plans for additional stunts. :-)

    I read about that this morning - I thought his stunts were just brilliant!  I look forward to more.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.