WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey), SUNDAY November 29, 2015

Happy new week.

I"m sampling the Sticky Toffee Pudding with vanilla ice cream. Back in a bit to report!

  • Lindybird - My sister lives in Bristol so I do not see her very often these days and we have to rely on long telephone conversations especially as I usually talk to my Brother in Law as well for a while.

  • Good Morning.  Not raining here, for a change (yet!).  

    Rita: The phone is still a good method of communication for loved ones we can't see as often as we would like. Bristol is such a long way from you, you must wish she was nearer. Yesterday, I managed to get the Skype going on my new tablet, so that I could wish my grandson Happy Birthday, but of course being only five, he bounces around so much it's not easy!

    Must do some cleaning this morning, the carpets came up well but everywhere is now dusty.  Expecting my cinema Friend this afternoon, her OH is dropping her off so that we can watch a DVD together as she can't sit in a cinema seat comfortably until her knee heals. Then I can take her home again. She's really glad she did her Christmas.shopping early!

  • Good morning – blowing a hoolie again here, but expected to be dry by afternoon and “fine” tomorrow!  Plumber is off sick, but electrician still expected today. 

    Linda – glad you are pleased with OH’s work on the carpets.  What DVD are you going to watch with Friend?  Have you yet seen The Lady in the Van?  Not sure whether it is out on DVD.

    Now going to get the Canada Cake into the oven.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Not decided which DVD we're going to watch, as I have a wide variety which I have bought/been given but have not had time to watch yet!  Will give my Friend the choice.  The Lady in the Van has just been on in our local cinema:  It looks good but we missed it.  This week they are going to show "Carol" which also looks good.

    My OH is cleaning the blinds in the conservatory because when we put all the lights on the other evening, we saw how dirty they were!  He is a treasure when it comes to being useful.....  it would have taken me ages but as he is tall and a hard worker, it takes him half the time.

    EDIT:  It's not raining here, for a change!! Lots of banging and hammering and machines next door as they lay a new front driveway with slabs. They must be pleased, as they fought with the rain yesterday which mustn't have been any fun at all.

  • The Lady in the Van is available on pre-order on the Big River Site, but it doesn't seem to say when it is to be released.  It has good reviews from people who saw it in the cinema.

    (I adore Maggie Smith!)

  • Good morning all and thanks for all your thoughts and wishes for OH's birthday last Saturday. It is just good to .be able to post on a more positive note. The last few weeks have been so stressful to say the least. We were both very tense when we arrived for appointment with Cocsultant. Unfortunately the blood taken on Monday had clotted so had to have more taken and then a wait of an hour for the results. We were both so sure it would not be the best news. However, much to our surprise the news was relatively good in the scheme of things. Haemoglobin  and nutrients had gone up a bit. There is some concern about my platelet level which has gone down again so they will be keeping a close eye on me.  Cannot remember why but she would prefer not to have a platelet infusion at this time. Will have to check this out during chemo next week. My bone marrow test did not reveal that I had gone into an acute situation so this was good news as well. Will be having regular blood tests, transfusions and a reduced level of chemo. She explained that it will be a bit of a juggling act from now on in. Blood transfusion provisionally booked for 22 December after I see Consultant again. This is more than we hoped for  as the drug I am on is relatively new in medical terms and they are still learning about it.  Both felt so much better for the news but kpeeping our  feet on the ground as we know i will never be cured, but at least we can look further ahead and hopefully I will get to the Joe Brown concert in February.

    We did go for a birthday meal which we both enjoyed. We went for a streak again and we are becoming addicted to the food they serve up. Best steaks we have ever had. Might go again on Saturday before chemo starts.

    Pleased too that we made our Christmas cake on Sunday. It is something we always do together. Will marzipan and ice in a couple of weeks. Lovely smell while it was baking helped no doubt by the brandy we used.

    The weather has been rather miserable of late, lots of rain, high winds and staying so dark. t least we did not get flooding or snow which some have had.

    Once again thanks so much for all your support. Take care.

    Love  Margo x

  • Lovely to have you posting, Margo.  You must both be feeling much more positive and able to enjoy your Christmas now.  I can smell that cake cooking!! Christmas cake has a smell like no other, and puts you in a festive mood. Its lovely to find a place where they do steak how you like it. So many places don't do it properly, one way or another.

    I hope you got all your flooring done so that now you can be cosy at home.  Bet you have bought a nice toy for Billie ;-)

  • Good Morning Everyone ( just ) Very mild here. Dry but cloudy.

    Stripped our bed and need to vacuum now. Everywhere looks dusty and I haven't got Linda's reason for her dust :-)) The window cleaner came yesterday so I can see more clearly that the house looks neglected.

    Margo, Good to see that you still feel fine and have posted. X

    OG, Best wishes for your appointment with the Dr today.

    Rita, When my sister and I are on the phone, we can talk forever. I haven't been to see her for a couple of years now, which we must rectify. We have got used to the fact that she doesn't travel, but is always very welcoming when we visit.

    Linda, I was sorry to read that the train line will go through your OH's golf course. I am sure the line will be an asset for both business and pleasure, but I hate to see the landscape being destroyed.
    Ditto,  re Maggie Smith.

  • Morning all:  

    Margo: Lovely to see a post from you and we were happy to hear from Brenda that you and your Super OH had a nice dinner out for his b/day.  I'd eat as much steak as possible if it's that good.  Joe Brown concert is just a few weeks away.

    Lindybird: Please send OH to clean all the blinds in our house. We have those slatted kinds you can adjust with a cord and they're a total pain to clean. Our windows are being done December 15, so it'll be a good time to tackle the blinds (ugh). On December 10 or 11 the tree people are coming to thin out our huge Chinese Elm, which will make a big mess.

    Speaking of "just a few weeks away," got an e-mail announcing the start of the 2016 Gray Whale Count on February 16, which of course means osprey season will be close behind!  It's all happening - again. :-))

    Off to dentist today for annual scrub and rub - not my favorite thing to do; then to the gym. But first a quick trip to Trader Joe's for some basic eats.

  • My Friend opted for watching "Big Hero 6" which is a Disney cartoon bought for me by my son, as he knows I like silly films sometimes!  It was a lot of fun, and definitely silly!  I was hoping she would choose "Empire of the Sun" or "The Life of Pi" as if I put them on one evening, my OH is bound to go to sleep half way through. Never mind, another time.

    Hope you get on alright at the Dentists, Annette. Not my favourite chair to sit in! Our blinds are just fabric roller blinds, but I chose a pale sort of beige fabric so that the effect would be light & bright. In summer, a lot of insects try to commit suicide by getting squashed in them. They leave marks which don't always come off. Chinese Elm sounds like an attractive tree:  off to look it up........