WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey), SUNDAY November 29, 2015

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  • AQ,   It is terrible to read about the fires, let alone being involved in them.

    Heather,   Sorry for your brother. I don't blame him for being grumpy. Just don't mention the benefits of flying.

    Annette,    I know I shouldn't laugh either, but I did. I have to use a magnifying glass sometimes to avoid cooking disasters.

    I am back in Cincy now. We fly home tomorrow via New York. I will miss the G'daughter. Have just read the bedtime story. It was rather a long one.

  • Evening all:

    Heather: Hope your bro didn't miss his connection. What a bore!

    Rosy: Have a good flight home - when are you planning another visit?

    Diane: Welcome back!

  • Not cooking a mountain of haggis, due to having bacon at lunchtime - don't usually have two meat-based meals in one day!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning.  I hope that you have a good journey home, Rosy.

    We lost the last of the leaves clinging to the trees in the latest winds. Our lawn is really soggy now after the almost non stop rain, and there is only a tiny amount of colour left in the garden:  unbelievably, we still have some flowering geraniums, and I have not taken down my big hanging basket by the front door.

    My OH is renting a big industrial type carpet cleaner today, and doing a lot of downstairs. This will mean my scuttling around to move things before he starts, and helping to put our big dining table in the conservatory. I hate all the fuss, but the results are worth  the inconvenience!

  • OG - hope there's more progress this week on the bathroom front.  Those bacon pancakes sound good :-)

    Margo - Hugs to you and your OH.

  • Heather - Hope your skin is improving and you had a good night.  Also that your brother got there OK, after his long trek.  My OH spent some time on his knees yesterday, putting yet more chicken wire into the small gaps in our fencing, and stout posts to hold it, as if Bonnie can see even a tiny gap she will fight to get through it, I suppose it's an instinct with spaniels.  She has now ripped more wallpaper off the dining room wall, and chewed the skirting boards in two places. People will have to take us as they find us this Christmas!

  • Good morning everyone

    ROSY - safe journey home. You will be bringing lots of happy memories with you,I know.

    LINDY- I wonder what BONNIE will make of the carpet cleaner?!

    It is quite cold this morning but only a dusting of snow here in town at sea level.

    My brother missed his train connection. I booked him in to a hotel. He was tired and fed up but I managed not to mention anything about air travel. I spoke to him after he checked in. He was just about to go down to the hotel bar and have a dram. The only thing to do in the circumstances,I guess!

    OG - when the bathroom is finally finished you will probably stand in it for no other reason than to admire it and be grateful the whole episode is over. Imagine if you were getting a new kitchen? The mind boggles!

    I'd better go and have my shower. The rash is much less angry and so am I. Don't know which train Gordon will get from Aberdeen. I'm guessing the 1019.He'll probably phone just as I'm covered in shampoo. I hope that Margo and her OH are happy with their new flooring xx

  • Good Morning Everyone. Good to see that nobody has reported any damage from the weekend gales and rain ( Clodagh ) I did see this morning that our Inverness group could go as low as -10c tonight. Another wet and windy day today !!!

    Rosy, Do have a safe and uneventful journey home. Your holiday seems to have passed so quickly.

    Heather, A tiresome journey for your brother. He will need at least a day to recover. He must have been so thankful that you managed to book him into a hotel.
    Pleased that your rash is healing.

    Linda, Sorry about the wallpaper and skirting board damage. She is not the first dog, I have heard of, who has damaged internal walls.

    OG, I wouldn't want anyone to use the new bathroom. LOL Sounds wonderful.

  • A HAPPY St ANDREWS DAY to all in Scotland.

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