Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 November 2015


Last week's Chat Thread is HERE.

I had several white-tailed deer in my backyard yesterday at dusk, including a large buck. They were so beautiful.

All summer, I admonished one particular Red-Bellied Woodpecker for attempting to drum on the trim around my kitchen window. Now, every time I go outdoors, the little fella chatters at me loudly. He even jumped up and down on the branch yesterday to make his point. LOL! I don't know whether he's telling me off or trying to convince me to let him eat the delicious larvae I denied him. LOL

Everyone have a great week!

  • I observed the minutes silence this morning, thinking about the shocking waste of young lives in Paris.  Then my OH returned home and was quite upset when he realised he'd missed the moment as he was in the car.

    Our Eldest came last night, having driven for over 3 hours (it takes us four, with at least one stop!)  But this morning he felt decidedly unwell, and decided not to go into work here, but to drive home again.  So he arrived there, all the way back, sometime after lunch.  Still, he did bring the official Wedding pics w with him which were fun to look at. Now I have to choose some to frame. 

  • Lindybird,  I will keep you company on here. I use sunflower oil. For years, I used Corn oil, but I think  sunflower oil became more popular, and I liked the idea of it.

    I think you are right that rapeseed oil is more healthy, but I thought that at my age, stick to what I like. I usually use olive oil for fish and vegetables.

    Sorry your Eldest was unwell. A long drive home.

  • Diane - thank you for starting us off. Nice to hear of your "friends" in your backyard and can understand where you are coming from about feeding them.

    Lindybird - love the poem as always. The pictures of Cardiff are great and to see that water feature, its massive!!

    OG - I do a Sunday roast most Sundays - usually I do beef for 1/2 hr to 3/4 and no more as it gets overdone that way. I still can't get it just so, oh well will keep trying.

    Annette - glad you had a nice dinner with friend - safe journey home.

    Weather has been reasonably kind here, a bit windy yesterday but they say Storm B. is coming in tomorrow so we shall have to wait and see.  Sorry can't remember the name they gave it.

    Had my brother on the phone this afternoon informing me that a long standing family friend of our parents had died. Unfortunately can't get up to the funeral as its 11am and that would mean at least a 7am start from down here because of probable traffic congestion.Virtually all the oldies have gone now . Just us younger ones growing older left!  However my brother informed me that we couldn't stay overnight as the new landlords are doing extensive renovation work ie: roof, electrics, etc, but should be alright for us going up on BD.

    HeatherB - glad you are enjoying your holiday.

    OG - just seen that your beef turned out well, well done.

  • Off to the gym tomorrow, hopefully back in routine now. Got our Women's Own meeting tomorrow as well so do hope it is not a boring speaker, as to me sometimes they can be.

  • I tried to post this Sunday night, but the "loading" thingy just kept going round and round.  Anyway, here it is (and by the way, now back home and about to topple into bed).

    Evening all: We had to take Amtrak bus all the way from Seattle to Portland Sunday morning due to a tree and mudslide (40ft deep) on the tracks south of Seattle. Train was waiting for us in Portland. Had really, really lovely visit with both friends. It rained or threatened to all the time, but was not as cool as I expected and the air was wonderfully clear and fresh and the earth smelled wonderful.  Was chatting to a couple from Los Angeles and we were agog at all the rivers, ponds, and lakes and the oh-so-green grass - such a treat to see.  The storm that is still over the Pacific Northwest is heading east - Diane - have they said anything about it hitting your area?

    Lindybird: What's this about shoes?

    OG: Bus ride not bad - only 2 1/2 hours and lots to see. Haven't had roast beef for eons; please package up leftovers and send immediately - how were the frozen Yorkshire puds? Hope sniffles stop soon.

    Heather: Wonderful to imagine you relaxed and far from the madding crowd. Maybe they shipped all the dogs to Malta....g.

    Will catch  up with your later posts tomorrow -  washing machine needs feeding and guinea pig needs cleaning out!

    Take care everyone.

  • Good morning, all.  I've just read that today is World Toilet Day......whatever next?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • CLARE - don't tell me that!  I am on restricted access as the plumber is coming to put new radiators in BOTH shower rooms!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Clare Bailey said:

    Good morning, all.  I've just read that today is World Toilet Day......whatever next?


  • Good Morning, All. No weather here! Expecting rain later on.

    OG - hope all the plumbing goes to plan!

    ----off to get dressed, back later.

  • I guess we shouldn't be flippant about this.  We must remember all the 2.5 billion people in the world who do not have a toilet and have to face danger to go outside their villages to do what they need.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!