Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 November 2015


Last week's Chat Thread is HERE.

I had several white-tailed deer in my backyard yesterday at dusk, including a large buck. They were so beautiful.

All summer, I admonished one particular Red-Bellied Woodpecker for attempting to drum on the trim around my kitchen window. Now, every time I go outdoors, the little fella chatters at me loudly. He even jumped up and down on the branch yesterday to make his point. LOL! I don't know whether he's telling me off or trying to convince me to let him eat the delicious larvae I denied him. LOL

Everyone have a great week!

  • HEATHER - good to hear from you - so pleased you are relaxed enough to enjoy room service dinners!  All sounds really good there!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Heather, I am looking forward to your opinion of Madeira. It all sounds so good. We have never been there and you are encouraging me to think about it. Thanks for posting.

  • I knew your meal would be delicious, OG I will have to think of a reason to pass by and beg for the meal in the freezer. LOL
    Sorry the wind has returned so strongly. This coming week's weather looks atrocious.  More gales and heavy rain.

    There are flood warnings for England NW -13 / NE - 38 / Midlands- 2 /  Wales -3 / Scotland - 13 and that is before the rainwater joins the rivers. 

    I want to follow Heather. LOL

  • Lindy: Loved your verse!!!

    Brenda: 50 mph winds are very bad. I do hope that all of you stay safe from wind and flood! Don't try to drive! I'm sending calming energy for your weather!

    OG: Your dinner sounds wonderful. Don't try to do too much, though. And you definitely stay out of the gales! I'd love to see those Barnies. I saw a video of them from your area once. So elegant.

    Heather: Sounds like your holiday is delightful. Hope you continue to have such a good time!

    Hope Annette is travelling safely tonight with no mudslides.

    All: I may not post for a couple of days. I've managed to catch some kind of bug. Nothing serious at all. Just feel like there's a herd of Highland cattle dancing on my sinuses. LOL

    Everyone take care and be safe in the weather!!! Thinking of you all!

  • Good Morning, All.  Still dark here just now but should lighten soon.

    Diane -Sorry to hear you're not feeling too good. As you often say yourself, I'm sending you healing energy. :-)

  • DIANE- as LINDY says - healing energy from me, too.

    Will be thinking about OG on Wednesday. And of course, always thinking about MARGO.

    I think that we are going to have a look at the Blandy  vaults today, all about Madeira wine. OH has done it before but on that occasion I chose to visit the shops!

    Sorry to read about the weather forecast, stay safe, everyone.

  • Good Morning. Light rain here this morning. Due to dry up until this evening.

    Diane, Sorry you have sinus / a bug problems. Very painful for you. Do see a Dr if you are suffering so much. Take care. X

    I hope Annette's journey has been uneventful, with no more more mudslides / flooding.

    Heather, Enjoy the wine history and I presume the wine tasting. You chose a good time to get away from the British weather :-))

    This morning's washing is already in the tumble dryer. I must wash my hair before I play indoor bowls this afternoon. Hair appointment next Monday, but it needs cutting now. 

  • Good afternoon, all.  A dry and sunny morning, now bright with showers.  A gentle day and then going out to our National Trust Group this evening – a talk on film and photography in NTS properties.

    Brenda – normally I wouldn’t roast potatoes when serving another roast veg, but the beef was so lean I decided to be indulgent; I just love roast parsnips! 

    Diane – feel better soon!

    Son in Law who works away, in London, is taking a break while he recovers from Bells Palsy; family kept telling him he needed a break.  He is normally quite fit (apart from Asthma) so I think he will soon recover with rest and de-stressing.  Other Daughter had it some years back, and it never returned despite all the stress of the last two years.

    I hope that Heather and OH continue to enjoy their break, Annette gets home safe and finds OH’s knee improved – and thinking of Margo and her OH too.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Quiet on here again, since this afternoon. I went out to get supplies, as we fancied macaroni cheese with onions last night, only to discover that we only had a tiny amount of macaroni left :-(  However, tonight we had a little bit of steak each instead, as I found some cut price.  My organising of meals is often patchy: I might plan for two days ahead but then take pot luck with what's in the freezer on the 3rd day - often, it's fish.  

    I see that food was discussed a few days ago. I changed from using sunflower oil, which I've used for many years, recently. Now I use Rapeseed Oil as this was recommended in a programme on healthy eating. Also, we're trying hard not to eat processed pork so much - we both love bacon, gammon, and ham. Not to mention delish Cumberland sausages....  We didn't realise how often we were eating ham for lunch, for instance.   Apparently you can treat yourself to all of these things, but not too many days a week.

  • OG -  Sorry to hear about your son in law.  Hope you both enjoy yourselves tonight.