Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 November 2015


Last week's Chat Thread is HERE.

I had several white-tailed deer in my backyard yesterday at dusk, including a large buck. They were so beautiful.

All summer, I admonished one particular Red-Bellied Woodpecker for attempting to drum on the trim around my kitchen window. Now, every time I go outdoors, the little fella chatters at me loudly. He even jumped up and down on the branch yesterday to make his point. LOL! I don't know whether he's telling me off or trying to convince me to let him eat the delicious larvae I denied him. LOL

Everyone have a great week!

  • Lynette – I rarely cook a roast as OH doesn’t like leftover roast. I always use a cook-in bag especially the Xmas turkey as it keeps most of the moisture in.

    Linda – Aha, a church!

    OG – Congrats on passing your biopsy test.

    Heather – This is amazing getting regular bulletins while you’re on holiday. Much better than a postcard!

    Diane - I love your stories of your wildlife. Though they’re not exactly quite wild are they, as they communicate with you . . . is there a word between “wild” and “tame”?

    Hot yesterday 40 C. The idiots are out setting fires – I’d lock 'em up for the summer, preferably out in the Simpson Desert. Yesterday to dentist, returning my last repair which was not behaving; not paining, just sore. He took one look and said “Root canal” and started on it then & there. Another appt next week.

    Nanny duty on Monday wasn’t too bad. I took the three outside & let them play on the shaded patio. I lasted an hour before it became too hot for me. Meanwhile Dau had a rest & finished a few chores without a pair of grizzlers attached to her knees. Twins always greet me with smiles and blow kisses when I leave. This time they cried as I left. I promised to be back Friday <sigh>. New nanny roster, OH swapping with t’other g-m, now he has Tues pm, so my days of freedom with car are now Wed & Thurs. Wed suits me as it is the day supermarket gives seniors discount. Thurs is the day that Chauffeur-Friend & I used to go out on church-bakery excursions. Already we’ve booked next Thurs – if it not is a coolish day, we shall find a local bakery. No joy driving back country roads in bushfire season.

  • Sorry I'm late - been busy with family stuff!  Am okay - will fill you in tomorrow!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Evening all:  Busy day. Will catch up tomorrow.

  • Good morning everyone

    Just sitting in bed having a glass of water. From bed I can see the bay of Funchal and masses of twinkling lights from streets and houses on the hill above the town. A cruise liner has just slid into port. She was all lit up from stem to stern. The sky is just beginning to lighten and the horizon has a pinkish glow.

    My birthday yesterday was rather marred by my own stupidity! I hadn't been drinking enough water and didn't seek the shade as much as I should :-( So felt quite unwell all day. Generally I don't sit in the sun, can't do it for more than ten minutes. Anyway, after lots of water and a quiet day things seem to be back to what passes for normal! We had another meal in our room last evening. OH had scabbard fish - a local favourite - served with banana and a passion fruit sauce. He was pleased to have plain Proper Vegetables (!) served with it, small potatoes, broccoli cauliflower mange tout and carrot batons. I just had soup followed by a delicious fresh fruit salad.

    Looking forward to reading all your news. I have been reading here every day,usually when OH is having a siesta. This morning we are going down into Funchal to wander and have lunch. Note to self - find a shady spot!

  • Good Morning.  A bit dull here, but dry. Just seeing my OH off to golf, and trying to plan our next couple of days.

  • Heather - See you came on just now - Belated Happy Birthday!  Sorry it was spoiled somewhat, hope you're now recovered.

  • Belated Happy Birthday, Heather.

  • Sorry you had too much sun and became dehydrated, Heather. Hope you enjoy today as a 'substitute Birthday.'

    A Belated Happy Birthday.

  • Sorry about yesterday evening; we were late home having had an extended wait at the hospital while medics had a meeting, then met acquaintances which extended lunch, then did our shopping; after that we had to tell J the hospital news and he talked about his day, then cooked and ate dinner and phoned both Daughters; and during this J decided to assemble a set of shelves which had been stored in the loft!

    So, back to the morning; you can skip medical details if you wish!  Check-up was fine - a couple of small fluid swellings will disperse (still early days, really).  All tumour definitely out, none seen in sentinel lymph nodes (as already reported by nurse).  Beginning endocrine therapy straight away - daily med for five years - as systemic prevention.  Referral to Carlisle (yay!) clinical oncologist so shall hear from them re radiotherapy (15 sessions) as local prevention.  This will not transfer me to that hospital, I shall still return to Dumfries after 3 months, then six months, later annually, and will get annual mammogram there.

    Thanks for all kind thoughts.  Will be back later.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • A dry morning to start but heavy rain due to arrive shortly. Not sure what I will do with neighbour's pup if it is pouring down. I saw her owner leave at about 8.30am, so the pup will be in her cage having a sleep for a while.

    AQ, How lovely that the girls don't want you to leave them. You have such a lovely relationship with them, but obviously very tiring for your OH and yourself.