We had zero chicks at Loch Garten nest this summer, so there are none to follow this winter. EJ and Odin have migrated south and with neither tagged we cannot follow them. Sadly, we have lost Breagha, the last tagged LG offspring. Once again a healthy Loch Garten chick is “lost contact, presumed dead”. Even the camera is away for the winter. Thus we have lost all contact with the Loch Garten nest. For the first time since I found EJ and the Loch Garten nest, there is NOTHING LEFT. Nothing left, that is, except HOPE for a better season in 1916.

On this note of hope I will maintain The Gabfest in a semi-retired state. Thus we will be open for any osprey news which comes through, whether it be from UK or USA or Africa. Also any bird or wildlife photos or news are always appreciated here.

Over Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve some may wish to share photos of their cakes, Christmas Trees and/or some music videos. Winter gardening, trains, anything goes here on the Gabfest that anyone wants to talk about.

So if anyone cares to come in for a wee chat, the Gabfest may be sleeping, but it is open.

  • Doh!!! so sorry folks, that you have problems, strange I have no problem, and again this morning viewed,it does seem to take a few seconds to allow camera to focus. I am viewing with google browser, though I notice the site mentions best viewed in Internet explorer.

    Such a shame, I wonder if Tech thread can find ant solutions, ???I will post over there for you..

    This mornings capture( very busy highway)

  • I'll post this early for you as I hope y'all will be out celebrating this evening. Although I may be back with other versions. HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE to everyone.  CLICK ON THE PICTURE to play the only New Year's Eve song I know.

  • Unknown said:

    Thanks SunnyKate2 for your good intentions.  This is what I get.

    As I just posted in the Tech thread, that's exactly what I've been getting for years and I thought they'd banned me because I told them that people were abusing the controls, like  mischievously leaving the cam pointed away from the nest..

    When I tried it again this morning I got the same result - but that was, as always, in Firefox - then I tried in Chrome and got it fine!  I hope that might work for you, June.

    ^^^ That's Odin last season, via an impressionist cam ;-)

  • And a very Happy New Year to you Scylla, and to June, Keith and others who post here.  I wish you all a wonderful 2016

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  •  Thanks for the greetings Scylla and for the tech tips.

    I have installed Chrome, but NEVER use it, so after some awkward attempts, I got this.  Fortunately an osprey was on the perch, who soon moved onto the nest.  However my pleasure was shortlived, as the screen soon reverted back to its usual blank state.

    I suspect that is the usual character of this cam and will try again later.

  • Thanks SunnyKate.  I'm reading and responding backwards here. I had noticed before I ever complained that Explorer is best, so I thought I should be OK there.

    Now, since my last post I tried again to get the cam thru Chrome (Googles browser, I believe).  To my disappointment I again got the blank version.  I will keep trying, but am wondering - if this is the service provided is any viewing pleasure worth all the effort,

    I hve been told I have lots of patience.  I will keep trying and see what developes.

    Thanks SunnyKate and Scylla for your efforts.  Haven't yet tried Tech thread.  Will go over there now.

  • Many thanks to all.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • JUNE - I think you may have to download a programme to view. I can watch the nest on Susan's laptop using IE but only get a blank screen using my own laptop on IE and can not download the programme as mine is a company laptop.

    I will ask Barbera.

    I do like this nest for various reasons mainly as we always visit Clearwater on my FL visits so always go to Stirling Links to see this nest. In recent years we have been there May time when the young were about to fledge.

    We also like the Dunedin district of Clearwater for its Scottish links and twin city with Stirling only 4 miles from my home - in fact we are going to Stirling Castle tonight to watch the fireworks at midnight.

    Dunedin was named after Edinburgh Dun Eideann being Gaelic for Edinburgh.

  • Unknown said:

    .  CLICK ON THE PICTURE to play the only New Year's Eve song I know.

    I am sure it is not. What about that movie Holiday Inn and the song written by Irving Berlin and sung by The One (Not Three BIng's) Bing Crosby.


  • Can you believe, I've never seen the movie and I don't remember ever hearing the song. Very nice, tho.

    Three Bings, Auld Lang Syne for sure.