Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 23 August 2015


Last week's Chat thread is HERE.

I missed a few days last week. I've read all your posts, but I won't try to reply except to wish everyone well.


Some large animal has been hunting on my deck before dawn (about 5:00 am). It lands on the deck with a big thud. It's either jumping down from the tree limb over the deck or jumping up from the top step. I can hear it chase fairly large prey (probably raccoons). If it's coming out of the tree, it could be a bobcat! I have deer staying in my backyard along the creek, and a pair of bobcats could have moved in to predate the fawns. I've read that bobcat numbers are increasing a lot in this region. I'm not afraid of them; they aren't a threat to me. I hope I get to see whatever it is!


I happened across the webpages of a couple of photographers whose work just makes me happy when I look through their galleries, so I thought I'd share their sites.

The first photographer is Michael Shainblum, who photographs gorgeous landscapes and seascapes (especially with the Milky Way in the background). Here's his website (click on "Photography") and his Facebook page.

The second is George Karbus, who lives and works on the west coast of Ireland (but also takes photos all over the world). He focuses on coastal and marine photography. Here's his website (click on "Gallery") and his Facebook page.


I hope you all have a wonderful week!

  • Limpy has just got home from a day at Minsmere.  Among today's visitors was Helen's headmistress and her husband, who Limpy immediately recognised!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Unknown said:

    Diane: Thanks for the additional condor info. Fascinating. Not the prettiest birds unfortunately - rather menacing but oh well.  Would love to see an eagle try to get a bite.

    Annette: I think they look prehistoric. You can see the dinosaur genes in them. :-)

  • Diane: Indeed. Can't imagine one of its ancestors chasing me down.  Heard something on NPR this afternoon about a Toucan in Brazil that had a damaged beak and they made it a new one from a 3D printer! The mind boggles. It's doing fine. I put a link it but it's not working. Maybe Google?  I saw it on CNN>

    Clare: Nice for Limpy to bump into Helen's headmistress at Minsmere. I'm sure he made a fab impression.

    Had nice relaxing day hanging out with daughter; one more day of heat and then it cools down. Phew.

  • Annette: I saw that story this morning. That's remarkable that they were able to replace its beak! Have a good, cooler weekend!

  • Dear All

    Thankyou for aways thinking of me in your posts. Traumatic day yesterday as finding the leak we as difficult. Imaging camera picked up all the damp in the hall and various pipes. Unfortunately when he used the listening stick he was unable to detect and sound of water. Proceeded to drill up several areas in the hall but could not locate the leak. He then took a look in the bathroom and after 6 hours of searching eventually found the problem. At some in the past the wash basin had been moved to its present location and a pipe which should have been soldered on had not been, it had just been inserted into another pipe. Had probably been leaking for ages and ages. Unfortunately he had to take several tiles out so not only do we need a new carpet for the hall we will have to replace floor covering in the bathroom. Having arrived at 8.45 he finally left about 5.00.

    Billie was good, I thought that when he started the drilling which went on for most of the day she would freak out. She just cuddled up to me on the settee and was very calm and amazingly slept through the awful noise, just waking to eat.

    We are going to a show tonight for a bit of light relief and so pleased that OH will have an extra day to do all his chores and also to keep me company as I am getting very nervous about consultant visit on Tuesday. I was pleased he stayed at home yesterday as he did his best to stop me worrying too much.

    I hope everyone is fine health wise and you all have a good weekend.

    love Margo x


    Thank goodness the source of the leak has been discovered. Botched plumbing job. Something very similar happened here a few years ago, there was water leaking from the shower waste pipe and by the time I 'got' the smell, the floor was rotting also the base of the built in bathroom units. We made a successful insurance claim which went quite some way towards a new bathroom. I hope that you will be as lucky in that direction xx

    PS Enjoy the show this evening :-)
  • ANNETTE and DIANE - saw that amazing Toucan story before - wonderful work!

    MARGO - good to see you posting.  Sorry locating the leak proved so difficult and damaging, but pleased the problem was found and solved.  I am sure you can soon get flooring etc put right. Good to see OH was there with you, and has an extra day at home.  I hope you and OH can relax and enjoy the show tonight.  No point spoiling today for both of you worrying about next Tuesday and trying to guess what the consultant will say.

    We have a full weekend coming up with the Pack Up Your Troubles Festival.  Started last evening with an excellent exhibition at Annan Museum about Women's Football - much enjoyed by the munitions girls here and elsewhere.  It was good to see how much they raised from spectators to help various charities - so different form the football business these days!

    This lunchtime we are going to the Devil's Porridge Museum for a short talk on Gallipoli.  This evening we are missing the "Good Old Days" concert (gave our tickets away as a raffle prize last week) to do something really different, attending the opening of an exhibition in Dumfries Arts Centre called "In Land", bringing together a couple of land-based projects undertaken in the area.

    The weekend will be full of events of all kinds back in Gretna and Eastriggs, but we are being selective in what we attend, just can't go racing around from one to another these days!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG

    You have got a busy and interesting weekend ahead! I can quite see that you need to pace yourself but I'm still full of admiration!

    Youngest family are coming from Elgin, will come after school this afternoon and stay one night. SiL is going, tomorrow, with middle daughter to buy a cheap blind for her kitchen and he will fix it up for her. He is also going to help OH finish pruning our cherry tree. The one that feeds the starlings, not us! BTW, our half a plum tree is now a whole one again. OH trained some new branches. You would never know that it was once very strange to look at.  

  • The farce continues.

    Time to stop talking and get behind the sabs who will endeavour to save as many badgers as possible.

  • Morning all:

    Margo: Wow. What a wonderful (not) day with all the drilling and disruption. Have they fixed the problem or do they have to come back before floors/carpeting are reinstalled? Have fun tonight.

    OG: That In Land exhibition looks interesting.  Regarding agrictural heritage, I heard an interview on our NPR station last week with a Cumbrian sheep farmer, James Rebanks, who's written a book, The Shepherd's Life: Modern Dispatches from an Ancient Landscape, about life on his farm (which has been in his family for 100s of years). I've just reserved a copy at our local library.  It was a fascinating interview.  I have visions of you burning up the countryside in your mobility vehicle, zooming from one event to another with your OH rushing to keep up with you  :-)

    Heather: Sounds like things have settled down with your brood.

    Alan: No doubt left that things are hotting up in the badger world.

    Off to start the (warm) day.