Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 23 August 2015


Last week's Chat thread is HERE.

I missed a few days last week. I've read all your posts, but I won't try to reply except to wish everyone well.


Some large animal has been hunting on my deck before dawn (about 5:00 am). It lands on the deck with a big thud. It's either jumping down from the tree limb over the deck or jumping up from the top step. I can hear it chase fairly large prey (probably raccoons). If it's coming out of the tree, it could be a bobcat! I have deer staying in my backyard along the creek, and a pair of bobcats could have moved in to predate the fawns. I've read that bobcat numbers are increasing a lot in this region. I'm not afraid of them; they aren't a threat to me. I hope I get to see whatever it is!


I happened across the webpages of a couple of photographers whose work just makes me happy when I look through their galleries, so I thought I'd share their sites.

The first photographer is Michael Shainblum, who photographs gorgeous landscapes and seascapes (especially with the Milky Way in the background). Here's his website (click on "Photography") and his Facebook page.

The second is George Karbus, who lives and works on the west coast of Ireland (but also takes photos all over the world). He focuses on coastal and marine photography. Here's his website (click on "Gallery") and his Facebook page.


I hope you all have a wonderful week!

  • Thanks, OG!!  Don't think we'll be eating al fresco, but we may have a hot drink outdoors, sometimes we sit with our coats on!!  Women's football (& cricket) seem to be in the news lately, but of course they have been going on for ages. Going to bed early tonight (already sitting in it!) as tired from a late night yesterday.

  • Evening all:  Very hot here today - almost 90. Put on the a/c in my room and set a fan in the doorway to blow cool air into the kitchen/living room.  Thank heaven it cools down at night.  Went to the (air-conditioned) gym this p.m., then home to BBQ some chicken that ended up on a salad.

    Lindybird: Congrats on the bargain patio set; lots of those kinds of sales here too at this point.  Here's to some lovely weather in Wales!   Had to smile at image of you chatting to Naughty Danish Pastries. :-))

    Lmac: Nice photo (and unusual for this page).

    OG: You're a real social butterfly these days. Hope the health/social care integration meeting was reassuring.

    Daughter is down this way tomorrow for a massage. I suspect we'll be huddled close to the a/c!

    Have a good Thursday everybody - and special hugs to Margo.

  • Lindy: I hope you love your new table. Have a great time!

    OG: I hope you enjoy your evening event!

    Limpy: Lovely photos!

    Brenda/Alan/OG/Annette: I have a gazillion wasps of several types on my patch, but I have not seen one single honey bee at all this year! :-( I hope the wasp species are pollinators.

    Have a good Thursday, all.

  • Annette: I just hope you stay safe from the wildfires. I see that the Australian firefighters arrived to help. Good on them.

    It's been strangely cool here, although the heat is predicted to return next week. I mowed the north end of my patch today, and I found several fallen walnuts on the ground. I have to be sharp-eyed to avoid hitting them with the lawn mower. LOL

  • Diane: No fires near us (fingers crossed it stays that way). Washington State is taking a beating though.... That's our heat coming your way. Hope you're wearing your hard hat and protective glasses while mowing the grass. 

    New Webcams Alert: This is a brand new live cam focused on a California Condo Nest in the Sespe Condor Sanctuary in Los Padres National Forest, not that far from here. This is the first chick for the happy couple (not the most photogenic critters unfortunately!)   cams.allaboutbirds.org/.../California_Condor

    A second new webcam shows a condor nest in Big Sur on the Central Coast. http://www.ventanaws.org/

  • Good Morning Everyone. The rain finally stopped for the evening, but I was woken at 4am, ( window was open ) by a very heavy shower

    Annette, Nearly 90 !!! I would never move away from the A/C. Thank you for the link. I will have a look.

    Diane, It is worrying about the bees. How unusual that you haven't seen any on your land. I hope it doesn't get too hot for you, this weekend

    Linda, Do have a safe and uneventful drive to Wales and enjoy your long weekend.

  • Up & getting going, now, as my OH has gone to golf & left me to pack up ready for when he gets back. Bonnie seems restless so perhaps she senses we're on the move. Annette - stay safe in those hot conditions, plus the awful fires. I see President O has been trying to remind everyone that the ease of having guns makes for far too many shootings there, after the latest tragedy. Hope he can get something done before he leaves office. It's the day for the workmen to fix Margo's leak, so I hope they will be successful, & quick! Thanks to Everyone for your good wishes for our short break.
  • Quiet day catching up, cleaned bathroom, swept kitchen floor. Yesterday Physio & I agreed I would return if my back needs further attention. I shall be super careful tomorrow (nanny day) and future.

  • Take care, AQ. I hope your OH has now fully recovered

  • Good morning, all -

    The sun is trying to keep shining, OH set off for the bowling green earlier this morning. He hasn't returned, so he is either gassing with his mates or they are playing. Probably both. The hedge man is here, just trimming, not chopping. Somebody (?) asked me last week what we would replace the hedge with. Well, there is a wall there. Whether it survives the removal of the hedge next year is anybody's guess. We will wait and see.

    I'm glad to report that middle daughter's nasty chest infection is responding to antibiotics and steroids, she is sounding much jollier this morning. Youngest son in law returned from offshore last night so all is well in Elgin now:-)  Eldest and his family are still having a whale of a time in Florida, I had forgotten, until looking at their pics, just how clean and well maintained Disneyworld is. I've only been there once and found my inner child very easily.

    Sheana was happy to see me on Tuesday but it is difficult to see her deteriorating mentally and physically. She really doesn't have much quality of life these days. Sight going fast, hearing ditto, needs assistance with bathroom visits and uses the wheelchair all the time now. Her nephew is coming up soon, he will see a great change in her since his last visit two and a half years ago....

    Take care, AQ and I hope that your OH's hearing is improving. I was happy to read that you managed your trip.

    LINDY - Fingers crossed for reasonable weather for your days away.

    OG - Every time I read about you and EE attending evening functions I wonder where you get the 'get up and go' from! Having said that, OH and I used to garden in the evenings, go to theatre and cinema and also out for meals in the evening. I'm afraid that it is one of the consequences of getting older, although OH is still very active for his age, he doesn't cut his hedges himself any more, gets help from the boys when pruning higher trees etc. Also, this year, he has given up fly fishing. That was a hard decision for him to make, but his balance is not so good and the bottom of the river is very stony and uneven. He just doesn't feel safe wading, these days.

    I'm thinking about MARGO's leak, today. Well, you know what I mean, MARGO.

    Regards to everyone and thank you for all your posts etc.