Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 9 August 2015

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  • Unknown said:
    Clare: When are you back at Minsmere?

    I'm there on Tuesday and Thursday next week.  Looking forward to it!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  •  LINDY- Roast potatoes are not naughty!! We always have them with a Sunday roast. I can't get my head around a roast dinner with boiled potatoes. Except when the wonderful new potatoes are available. Then I can understand:-)  What I can't understand is when people don't eat roast potatoes for health reasons but eat cakes and biscuits LOL

    (One or two in my family should be reading this!)
  • LINDY   what a cutie Matthew is.

  • ANNETTE   must admit I thought the same. Why has Heather decided it is all her fault?

  • HEATHER   Once upon a time one of my favourite meals was Ayrshire new potatoes with a poached egg, but neither Ayrshires or Jersey new potatoes taste as delicious as they used to. The same with Victoria plums. We used to get wonderful big juicy Victoria plums. Now they are a shadow of what they used to be. Grapes, why must they all be seedless, they are much tastier with seeds. Sorry, what a moan I sound.

  • Ha ha guys!

    It is my fault lol because OH doesn't think about anything within the house. He doesn't see dust, doesn't. really know why bathrooms must be cleaned, doesn't know why anyone would bother to make a bed, can't understand why towels have to be washed, he thinks that they are just there for drying hands and the hands should be clean anyway.Didn't think about the rain damaging the blinds. You get the picture?! So when the blinds got wet it was perfectly OK until  I said that we might need new ones.Then it hit home (in his wallet). Fortunately we don't argue about these things. I have perfected the 'Gallic Shrug'. He hasn't yet worked out how to respond to that. Just as well....

    dibnlib said:

    ANNETTE   must admit I thought the same. Why has Heather decided it is all her fault?

  • You are not a moan, DIBNLIB. Our grapes have seeds and we don't mind, but it stops a lot of the family enjoying them.

    dibnlib said:

    HEATHER   Once upon a time one of my favourite meals was Ayrshire new potatoes with a poached egg, but neither Ayrshires or Jersey new potatoes taste as delicious as they used to. The same with Victoria plums. We used to get wonderful big juicy Victoria plums. Now they are a shadow of what they used to be. Grapes, why must they all be seedless, they are much tastier with seeds. Sorry, what a moan I sound.

  • OH dear, I haven't made the replies I wanted to and my kindle is running out of charge.

    Regards to all, talk tomorrow.

  • Dibnlib, Include me in your 'moan' about Jersey potatoes, seedless gapes and Victoria plums. I have also had a moan at the supermarket. If I didn't have a local butcher, it is very difficult to find British lamb in the supermarket. I live in an area, which has so many sheep farms !!!! I don't want New Zealand lamb.

    Well done on your 'few laps ' :-)))

  • Heather B said:
    It is my fault lol because OH doesn't think about anything within the house.

    Of course it was Heather’s fault LOL. I read recently of a man who forgot his wedding anniversary. He claimed it was 50% HER fault because SHE didn’t remind HIM.

    {{{HUGS}}} to Margo. What’s that saying “it never rains but it pours”.

    Linda – What a charmer is Matthew. As for your meal – Yum.

    I have a moan about all shop-bought fruit & veg. Tasteless. These days picked too soon. Nothing seasonal any more, all available all year albeit at a price.

    OH’s Windows10 arrived Friday. Over the weekend he succumbed to the twins’ cold, and now I have it too. Monday’s nannying was interesting, shall I say. I’d forgotten Dau had dentist appt and I was to be sole carer. Morning naps were ½ and ¾ hours with both waking same time. Oweee. I managed until lunch when s-i-l dashed home in lunch hour to help. Just as well as cranky kids didn’t want to eat and he knew what to tempt them. They had pm nap after Dau played with them on trampoline. Dau napped too. My nap was interrupted by Miss3 who had a wee accident, then she called me whenever a baby coughed or cried in sleep. Twins woke together at 4 pm and I had to wake Dau as they were so upset. They cried for next 1½ hours. Judging by how I felt that night with my cold, I don’t blame them. I do feel better today.

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