WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 2015

Hallo all:  Happy New week.

Well, what can I say? I can't even do stupid links these days; no idea why things aren't linking but life is too short to fret about it....

Rita is doing her knee exercises, which aren't the best part of her day, but she'll get there we know.

OG: I've taken the liberty of copy/pasting your anniversary dinner menu for all to enjoy vicariously:  "Had a great meal at a country house hotel not far away.  Even the bread rolls were wonderful - fresh-baked and therefore really crisp, not hard (I can't usually eat what are normally referred to as "crisp" rolls!).  OH started with soup while I had a terrine of roasted vegetables; we both had beautifully roasted pork loin, with a theme of peas running through it: pea mash, pea puree and mange touts, as well as roasted root veg and garnished with a wee "haggis bon-bon" (breaded haggis).  OH decided in sticky toffee pud to follow - pleased I didn't as it had a fig in the middle which I would not have liked to find in there!  I had the most wonderful chocolate fudge cake ever - so beautifully light, whereas I usually find it very heavy.  J is out at a barbecue this evening so it was nice to have a meal out on our own but without leaving him out."   All sounds yummy (though not sure about the breaded haggis).

Brenda: I too am wondering how many floors up your son and DiL are in their new apartment.  Have you started looking at airfares yet?  OG has info on the Canada cake on last week's thread.

bjane: Hope you're too busy to post for all the right reasons.  Take care; good to see you.

Margo: Hope you feel up to dropping in this week.  Is your sister still popping by?  Hugs to you.

Earth to Diane!  Please call home.    :-))

Fountain is behaving itself as I type; it usually goes about three days before pooping out. Am prepared for investigative antics next time.

Have a good Sunday everyone. 

  • OG: A couple of pieces of advice, which you are free to ignore, but do consider them.

    (1) When you install the Windows 10 operating system, don't use "Express settings". Instead, go to the bottom of the screen and click "Customize settings". If you use the Express settings, your computer is going to send all kinds of very personal information to Microsoft on an ongoing basis. The company will store your personal data in the cloud and even sell it to third parties. Just say "No" to the requests to send data to Microsoft. A good explanation is HERE.

    (2) After you've successfully installed the OS, immediately do this:

       (a) Open the Start Menu.

       (b) Click Settings.

       (c) Select "Update & Security".

       (d) On the left side of the screen, select "Windows Update".

       (e) Select "Advanced Options".

       (f) Select "Choose how updates are delivered".

       (g) See the little slider bar? Slide it to Off.

    If you don't do this, Microsoft will use your computer to deliver updates, apps, and patches to other peoples' computers worldwide. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. Info HERE. Microsoft's explanation HERE. People are really angry about this, and it's going to be a huge controversy.

    One more thing: I found the default text size to be too small. I was squinting at the toolbars, etc. The place to change the text size isn't where you'd expect (in Settings). It's here:

    Go to Control Panel. Click on Appearance and Personalization. Click on Display.

    Hope this helps you.

  • We both felt more energetic this morning so we have done the HW and changed the bed clothes. I hung it out and when I looked out later, my whirly gig had fallen over !! Washed the bedding again and it is now in the tumble dryer !!! The sun looks as if it may appear. It has been a windy, cloudy day so far. 

    Diane, I was reading all about the warnings for Windows 10. I only use Safari. Here's hoping that doesn't have any hidden secrets :-((

    Annette, I am impressed with your enthusiasm for building sand castles :-)) I hope you had water flowing through the moat.  Sound great fun. 

    OG, I haven't been to Rutland, although it probably is the nearest nest to us, as the crow flies. It is the only main site we haven't visited. I really don't know why we haven't made a trip there. I look forward to your and EE's photographs. The forecast is said to be excellent next week, with higher temperatures.

    Linda,Sorry you are having to wear that BP monitor. My OH had to wear one for 24 hours and he was getting annoyed with it as the sleeve tightened during the day and night. I did keep reminding him to stay calm as it was recording his BP. LOL  I noticed in our surgery, that it said, that you no longer have to fast before the cholesterol  test. That should make it less of a trauma. 
    waiting to hear what you bought at the garden centre.

    I had a shower after I finished all the hw and my hair is now drying as I sit here. 

  • Morning all:  Out like a light last night. Some excitement on the beach yesterday, although somewhat "after the fact."  A 12-ft Great White Shark was spotted by divers just off the coast about a mile west of us. We spoke to a woman visiting from Massachusetts who said she'd been out on a paddle board in that area and had noticed people being ushered out of the water and wondered what was going on, but it wasn't until she was back onshore that the Parks & Rec guy told her about the shark. Apparently, they'd been watching her through binocs while she made her way back to the beach.  We're seeing a lot more sharks than usual, relatively speaking, given that the water is so warm this year.

    Margo:  Doing the things we want to do is very good advice for anyone in our - ahem - age group. Do try not to take it as necessarily specific to your situation. Biggest hugs to you dearie.

    Lindybird:  I suspect our cat is a bit hard of hearing as when there's a sudden noise, she tends to look in the opposite direction of the source.  Autumn sounds like a good time for your friend's knee op. I assume she's back to normal after her health issues?  Oh that's interesting about your Dad's color quizzes. My OH and I are always arguing about whether something is blue or gray or green.  I think I read one book by Asimov, but can't for the life of me remember which. Re "white coat syndrome," my doc told me it's normal for BP to spike, but not to worry unless it stayed that way (for much longer than a few hours).  As it is,my OH has a home BP monitor as his was consistently high at one point. Sounds like your nurse wasn't really paying much attention to what you were saying yesterday.  Hope you had a lovely day at the Garden Center - sounds like my kind of outing.  We haven't turned the fountain off for the last few days coz I knew I wouldn't have time to do anything with it.  As it is, I need to scoop out the dirty water, feathers, etc.   Is Bonnie still creating havoc around the house or have you just moved everything out of her way?  :-)

    Alan: Bowie is definitely a dog I'd want to take home with me.

    Heather:  Was trying to remember how long it's been since Sheana's nephew came to visit. Do you keep him informed of her condition?  Like Diane and her video, hope you like the book.

    Lynette: Good luck with e-Bay and a computer.

    Diane: Those GP-controlled tractors, etc., are amazing.  Are your "big" farmers individuals or companies like Archer Daniels, etc?  Speaking of caterpillars, this last week I've walked into a couple of spider webs first thing in the morning - something that doesn't usually happen until late September.  On the other hand, my oranges seem to be ripening 5 at a time. I squeezed a batch yesterday for breakfast with family - it was just wonderful.  Your lady hawk is smart - why not let someone else do the work?  I may not last through the entire debate and regardless, will have a glass of wine close at hand. I'm somewhat intrigued by how the other candidates will react to Idiot Trump.  Did you see where he apparently called Bill Clinton a few times prior to announcing? The mind boggles.  Will keep an eye out for Windows 10 tips (those first two to OG are much appreciated; I've copied and pasted into a Word Doc).

    Brenda: Birds in our house; grasshoppers in yours - pretty nervy if you ask me.  :-)  We did indeed have water in the moat!  At least until the entire thing got demolished by the incoming tide.  I took a couple of photos of the masterpiece but then found I'd screwed that up (imagine! with my smart phone yet, which proves a smart phone is only as smart as its owner).  Hope the laundry didn't end up in the mud this time.

    OG: I agree "none of the above" or "I'm clueless" would be a good option for techie instructions. Granddaughter (who has managed to drop and destroy more cell phones than our entire family on both sides of the Pond) arrived with hers in two pieces (but still working as long as she used the earbud). I have two old basic cell phones stashed and we had a heckuva time trying to move her service from the old to the "new" one by following the online instructions until - several screens later - we realized they didn't cover that eventuality. Finally had to call and, thank heaven, finally got a bright young man who had us enter masses of mysterious codes before we could activate the darn thing.  Enjoy Rutland.

    OK, off to do Not Much.

  • Ye-ha!  I got Windows10!  having to teach it lots of stuff - but this is my first step - putting Osprey Forum in favourites!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hi I have been catching up. Am at my brothers house in Leicestershire, we went to Foxton Locks,which was interesting. Tomorrow I am going to Rutland Water, looking forward to it!

    I actually had a 24 hour BT on very recently and the GP said the average was too high due to some spikes and raised the dosage. I think will ask for more information when I go back.

    Am typing on the tablet so very slow!

  • Hi Chrisy, Lovely to hear from you. Enjoy yourself at Rutland.

  • Thank you Diane for the W10 hints. I’ve passed them on to my OH who is still waiting for his update.

    Friday already and I’m not ready for another nanny duty day. <sigh> OH tells me that twins only had 1 nap each yesterday.

  • Nice to hear from you Chrisy.  Enjoy Rutland.

    I'm just off to bed after a busy day - will relate it tomorrow.

    Hope nanny duty goes well, AQ!

  • Good Morning, All of you.     Sunny & bright here, and should be for a couple of days at least!!

    Quiet on here last night but hope that Annette has been having a nice Day Off doing not much.

    MY OH just left half an hour ago for a day's competitive golf:  after he left I decided to put out the milk bottle I had just rinsed and as I glanced out of the glass in the front door, I saw a small brown & white dog go past, just like Bonnie.......    I opened the door and called, she came in quite gratefully, but how on earth she got out there on her own with the side gate shut, I have no idea.  I checked the gate but it was firmly shut.  Later she was barking somewhere and I investigated:  she was out in the front garden again!  There must be a hole somewhere in our fencing, we have put netting all around but she may have dug underneath it, <SIGH>

  • Someone asked how Bonnie is getting along as I have not been listing the things she has eaten lately!!  Of course, this lack of reports is partly because I have completely stripped the rooms she inhabits: there are no curtains, ornaments, newspapers, remote controls, phones, photographs or important letters within reach.  The dining room is now echoey!!  She did get hold of the receipt from yesterday's shopping but I refused to chase her around the garden for it (which is what she is hoping for) and eventually tempted her back into the house by an enthusiastic game of catch the ball with my OH!  She was too curious as to what we were doing to stay outside, LOL!!