Glesni and one (other) is on the nest at the moment.
Glesni is looking around her like she is on high alert, maybe Blue 24 is around (there is no maybe about it) LOL
@ 0527
@ 05.29
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
It was Brenig who was the first to land and drive off Blue24, who had been standing staring at her feet for some time ;-)
FISH !!!
Blue24 with nest material :-/ Hardly touched down before being driven off:
B24 tried to land again. Has Glesni left ?
B24 seemed to have nesting material
Celyn joins her brother as B24 tries again
Emyr MWT says B24 back on the camera pole.
I was going to say "Where the heck are the parents?!"
This is Blue24's second attempt to deliver nest material. Poor thing, she's so attached to that nest... even with someone else's chicks on it. Her maternal instinct hormones must still be strong.
Fantastic defending of the nest by C & B, especially Brenig.
They are filming Countryfile at Dyfi so B24 is putting on a good performance for them LOL
Still defending
Merin arrives closely followed by B24.