WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 19, 2015

Happy New Week all:

Rumbles of thunder all day, but it seems to be passing just east of us. Apparently our share arrives tomorrow evening.

I seem to have lost the Rich Text formatting option - and the text has gone weird.

OG: Apparently Aldi is going to open some stores in California. Your lunch at the Old Toll House sounds wonderful.

HEATHER: Here's a very long link to a film of passengers arriving g to board the Lusitania on its last voyage. Extremely clear images for the times. www.criticalpast.com/video/65675040085_SS-Lusitania_passengers-arrive-at-dock_passengers-aboard-SS-Lusitania_author-Elbert-Hubert

LINDYBIRD: My hammock, which as a large metal frame, is stored in the garage in favor of my zero-gravity folding chair, which is so much easier to put up and then away.

LYNETTE: Home delivered groceries sounds wonderful, except I buy from three separate stores and like to see/feel the veggies/fruit.

  • Hope that RITA continues to make good progress. And I missed saying Happy Anniversary to BRENDA!

  • Hello again. OH finished the long fence across the back – only the older fence behind the garage to be completed this summer. So we just returned all the decking pots to their rightful positions and tidied up a few perennials which were flopping over their smaller neighbours. J is out with friends from church – probably enjoying a beach barbecue; the “twenties and thirties group” seem to be making good social connections with one another at last.

    Annette – I hope the dreaded grocery shopping list didn’t grow too long; I’m not good at checking cupboards to see “what haven’t I got?” so I try to make an ongoing list as things get used. I saw the forecast for a big El Nino this year: I hope it will bring rain over California. I like that part of Lincolnshire; not quite so flat as the coastal area and, as you say, some pretty villages. We do feel sorry for poor old BiL coping with his Wife’s Alzheimer’s, but we really don’t like travelling anywhere southwards!

    Linda – I hope you successfully picked all the second lot of seeds off Bonnie’s ears – another down side of Spaniels, being very investigative of the country smells but with long floppy ears! Have a wonderful day at Tatton tomorrow; I hope your forecast is as good as ours (we were hoping for rain this afternoon, but didn’t get any, for the garden).

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Sorry, HEATHER, didn't see your post there!  Good luck with the mammogram; mine will be due in September (last time, I got a recall and had to have a cone biopsy, which was okay).  I have ordered my hearing aids - and am beginning to wonder whether I ever had good hearing!  I had the moulds made yesterday (private) and am having medium size ones for ease of handling with my less than perfect manual dexterity!  I too have wondered how Rita is - seems a while since we heard from her; I hope she is progressing well.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • The furniture in my 3 season porch has Sunbrella fabric. 18 years now and still looking good.

  • That is probably a wise decision, OG, having the medium ones for the reasons you state.There is so much more flexibility regarding design with the private ones. OH is terribly deaf without his aids, our house alarm went off the other night - no burglar but I'd left a window open, curtain blew and set off the sensor in the dining room. OH wasn't wakened immediately but I was. The noise we made trying to communicate with each other would have scared any intruder off for sure:-)

  • OG- love the hearing aid story!!!! I hope you like your hearing aids. My OH hated his and would never wear them. Needless to say I was very disappointed, since they cost us over $4500 and that was 10 years ago!

  • Sorry I am so late posting again.

    Thank you so much for your Anniversary wishes. We couldn't leave the house at all today, as the resurfacing of the lane we turn in to from our Close, was happening immediately at the entrance to our Close. The whole road has now been lowered by about 6 inches, with all the drain grids standing proud from the surface. The new surface should start being applied tomorrow, but we have a weather warning for very heavy rain and gales, which lasts into Saturday morning, so we don't think they will make much progress, if any, tomorrow.

    We did laugh when a big yellow road digger arrived at our house this morning and a burly workman delivered flowers from my daughter. The flower delivery van wasn't allowed through, so the kind workman delivered them in his digger.
    We will celebrate at the weekend.
    We spent some hours pruning bushes and dead heading roses, in the beds down the borders of our own road.

    Linda, Do enjoy Tatton Park flower show and I hope to see some fabulous photographs, from either of your cameras.

    OG, I think we all agree that our OH's have selective hearing. Best wishes for when you get your hearing aids, I understand that it takes time to get used to them.

    Heather, Surprised you could speak to one another when the house alarm goes off. If I hear any noise during the night, I just go and check for myself, as my OH never seems to hear anything. LOL Best wishes for your mammogram. I hate the time waiting for the results.

    Annette, Sorry all the rain is still avoiding you. " The sun shines on the righteous ".

  • My Wed nanny duty began OK but when it was time for pm nap, MissJ cried & screamed, she was so tired but would not give in. MissL didn’t cry but wouldn’t nod off either. We tried passing babes back & forth between us – that usually works. In desperation Dau put the twins in the car and drove around until they fell asleep. She said after 5 mins (she has mirrors) they were looking at each other and chuckling. Finally asleep in their car seats, she came home & we left them there. I sent Dau to bed. Miss3 was colouring in and I had one ear in the carport. Yesterday OH had a good morning and a bad pm with the little devils. I don’t have an extra day this week, OG, as I have a Doc appt for more knee pills, right in the middle of the day. If only they lived 10 mins away, I could “pop in” easily.

  • Unknown said:
    We did laugh when a big yellow road digger arrived at our house this morning and a burly workman delivered flowers from my daughter. The flower delivery van wasn't allowed through, so the kind workman delivered them in his digger.

    That must have been an interesting sight!  There are some enormously kind people about.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Unknown said:
    I expect Clare will be floating in her front door any time now.  :-)

    Clare floated in a few hours after your post!!

    What a great time I had.  I spent all afternoon on Reception - it felt really surreal as I've been coming through there for years and now I'm one of the friendly team standing ready to welcome everyone else.  I was told I'd done well and they are low looking to see how soon I can come back!  Perversely the first enquiry I found myself faced with was how to get to the 'Village under the Sea' - thankfully I know enough of my local history to know that this is Dunwich and I was able to give a reasonable set of directions.  Phew.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.