Getting a late start tonight, but no rush. EJ on nest; all is quiet.
Yes, Auntie, you got them!!! Congratulations! Congratulations to EJ and Odin too, of course! Yahooooo!
Smiles, Jan.
Snow appears to have stopped now. Sun is up and morning glare will soon take over the screen for a while. EJ still home alone, dozing after her exertions. Where are you, Odin? You have a suprise waiting for you, Daddy!
Great news. I missed seing it but thanks for your reports. Same schedule as last year only 1 day earlier.
Alan - what do you mean , the same ........ but one day earlier. Three days between egg 2 and egg 3 (right?)
Great news that there's now a third egg! Hope the weather warms up soon.
Hello! What exciting and unexpected news, (some of us thought she might stop at two), also I wondered if they only laid in the daylight hours. Welcome, little one!
Unexpected news indeed. I thought we would be watching for the 3rd egg today. Thank you for the news and pictures.
Good morning all just had to log in to see if a third egg had been laid and there it was captured by auntie, thanks so much. Now going do household chores so will log back in later. Dismayed to read that there was more snow hopefully it will pass over and EJ and Odin will get a bit of a warmer day. Back later.
For those reading these posts later on: proud Mum is now sitting serenely on her three eggs, in the morning sunshine. No sign of the previous snow/hail.
Come on, Odin, time for a breakfast fishy!