WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 12, 2015

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  • A mostly dreich day today, with just a short spell of sunshine around lunchtime. Spent a lot of time rearranging various pictures on walls, getting some from the loft and “resting” others up there for a while. Seem to have done very little else: we were late to bed last evening, so late getting up too. J has been sorting out various things relating to the holiday and his church youth work, and is now playing Irish folk-tunes on his violin and mandolin (not both at the same time!).

    Annette – scooter isn’t that low to the ground, but I meant I wasn’t standing up! We only have black, white and red ones” – was this referring to Woodpeckers?

    Brenda – feeling sorry for your Daughter having to let that dog go back, but impossible to keep one with that sort of reputation – and the kennel was wrong not to have warned her of the previous aggression!

    Clare and Brenda – thanks for drawing our attention to the LotL fledges – first year in many that we haven’t visited that nest.

    Rita – hope you will soon get your appetite back. Sounds as if it was a very sensible move to get the op near family! Progress in small stages is the way to go!

    AQ – sensible that you took a slower day during that trip, and sounds as if it was exactly right for you, having that time to photograph the stained glass windows. I hope your nanny days this week will continue the new calm of last week!

    Linda – a lovely new photo of Matthew!

    More from Caerlaverock: Swan, Marsh Orchid and Ringlet Butterfly.


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello all

    I just know that I'm going to miss someone out, I've read all and enjoyed pics(OG, LINDY, AQ).

    RITA- as someone else said, there are a few on here with first hand experience of new knees so you will not be short of helpful advice,it is lovely that your family are taking care of you so well. I hope that your nausea has disappeared by now.

    OG- Poor J, but glad that he managed the hog roast!! Did you enjoy your afternoon tea yesterday?

    LINDY- Matthew is so cute. Agree with ANNETTE, it seems just like yesterday when he was born. I saw,a Greek wedding in Cyprus many years ago. If memory serves me correctly, people were pinning money on to the bride's dress :-)

    It has been a dull old day here,OH bowling in the morning,I went shopping and he collected me from the supermarket on his way home. Things are still slow in the garden but roses are finally doing their thing,I'm deadheading about forty of them in the front garden every morning and evening. It seems a lot to me but our German friends in Bavaria had 120 at the last count. - They have a gorgeous garden, he was an architect before retirement and has created a fantastic garden including several water features. How the other half live:-)))))

  • Rita: Just bumped (literally!) into my neighbor at Costco - his wife is 7 weeks into a knee replacement and doing well (and doing those pesky exercises).

    OG:  Oh Lord, how did that get down there? Yes, I was referring to woodpeckers. Thank you!

    Heather: My niece got married in Cyprus many years ago - it lasted about three years; don't remember seeing photos of money pinned to her dress though.  Geez - that's a lot of roses to deadhead each day!

    Off to get lunch. Am reading Dead Wake, about the last journey of the Lusitania. Very good - reads like a thriller, but then the author is a great storyteller.

  • My MP is completely useless but thank god for the SNP. I have emailed every one of them, they are just great and have now confirmed they will vote against the fox hunting amendment

    Team fox

  • ANNETTE- I think that I would enjoy that book, I have put it on my kindle wish list, will buy it when the price drops down. I'm reading the latest Jacqueline Winspear. Not sure about them though, I've read all the Maisie Dobbs series but think that they are a bit formulaic. Still, it was cheap!

  • HEATHER - afternoon tea yesterday was excellent - but such a lot of it.  What they gave us as a table of two would have fed four!  Six assorted sandwich quarters, four buttered pancakes (drop scones), four buttered scone halves (strawberry jam served separately), about a dozen assorted homebakes - and then they brought out the cream meringues!  All this for £3 per person!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • That is amazing OG! I imagine that doggy bags would have been infra dig......

    I would have been tempted, though! (Thinking about the cheese when we had lunch!)
  • LoL! Heather.  Shall we meet up for cheese again in October?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Oh!  The food sounds good......I'm dieting today so am going to distract myself now.......

  • Heather/OG: that feast sounds wonderful. What a shame the UK doesn't go in for doggie bags. Here they're the norm - and nobody looks askance. After all, what are they going to do with the leftovers but throw them away and that's a terrible waste. Pancakes as we know them (I Googled images of drop scones and got two versions) are a breakfast food here and typically that's one meal where the leftovers are left.

    Heather: I finished reading The Care and Management of Lies not too long ago but I gather there's a new one, A Dangerous Place.  Formulaic yes, but that's probably okay with some writers (writers we like anyway!)  I also just finished The Bleeding  Heart, which is the latest Bryant & May caper from Christopher Fowler. They're set in London and are a real hoot.

    Too warm here, though I have to say the a/c unit in my room really makes a huge difference. It has a dehumidifier option too for sweaty days,  which we're supposed to be getting this coming weekend with another storm due from Mexico.

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