Morning all
A new Month to bring us more adventures with our new Family.
Copyright Loch of the Lowes BLOG 30th June 2015 © Alba Landscapes – Ron Walsh
"Lassie has flown while I was preparing post......or is she hiding ;-)"
BoL you wouldn't be taking the mickey by any chance would you!!?
Birdies LG DU update.
2 snoozers on a rainy day.....
All Images Copyright of the SWT SWT LotL Webcam
Charming! Glad the camera lens is out of range ;-)
So we reach the fledging window
Ages of chicks
Tiger Signature
Thank you Tiger.
Mike B said:It seems impossible to 'lose' a chick of that size but the photos tell their own story.
Amazing! I would have been calling the emergency services! :o
Chart for fledgings at Loch of The Lowes
I lost the cam a good several minutes ago, anyone else?
OK here MC
In case anyone is asking young ospreys have fledged at 49 days old. Most recently Gwynant at Dyfi in 2014