WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JUNE 28, 2015

'Allo all.  Hope it's a good week for everyone.  Ghastly news from Tunisia - those poor people, sitting on the beach enjoying the sunshine....

Heather:  There's at least one situation like yours in every family (sometimes two or three!).  Makes you wonder where these folks came from  I mean, can they really be related to sensible grown-up like us?  :-)  

Diane: We're on the edges of a tropical storm system heading into the Southwest which could end up in your neighborhood in a few days.  What a pain. It must keep on on edge the whole time.  I do hope the trees around your house are sound   We don't have many needs when it comes to cars, but we just have our trusty Honda Accord and our lovely old 73 Ford Ranger, which guzzles gas big time and is a bear to drive down Santa Barbara's narrow streets (narrow because of parking on both sides - and not narrow at all compared to some roads in England!).  The truck is in great shape but sits out most of the time and it's is beginning to rust in a few places. It takes up the entire garage and I'm the one who takes it and the stepladder to the do-it-yourself car wash where I nearly get blown off the ladder by the water pressure. Truck is too big for a drive-through wash.  Anyway, it's slowly deteriorating and I'd rather see it go to someone who will really care for it - it's pretty much a classic a this point.  I'm thinking sort of long term for a newer SUV with minimal bells and whistles that is versatile and economical.  We're looking at hybrids, but there's not a big choice in the smaller SUVs.  The Toyota RAV 4 will come in a hybrid version for 2016 - at a cost of about $30K!  Typically we buy newer used vehicles but with the recession, folks seem to have hung on to the popular models much longer than usual and the ones advertised on, say, craigslist, have lots of miles on them.  Still, there are much, much worse dilemmas to deal with in the world.

Lindybird: Good news from Glaslyn then.  Ha! Liked the 1-in-5 joke.

That tropical storm that's east of us has brought clouds, humidity - and a sprinkling of rain!  More sprinkling possible in the next two days. Hey!  It's wet. we'll take it.

  • Unknown said:
    AQ – wouldn’t it be better to take twins into doc’s office one at a time to avoid them setting each other off?

    A good idea but on 2nd thought, the twins are very Mum-clingy at present and probably it would be worse for the one fretting in the waiting room – not to mention the guardian stressing at how long! I forgot to mention the confusion & further delays by Doc as staff had called up kids’ details on computer ready for Doc. But, they had found another child with same surname & similar Christian name to MissJ. Oh yes, computers don’t make mistakes, only the operators. I don’t know other girl’s age - I hope they don’t end up in the same class at school.

    Meeting Friend for coffee this pm. Washing machine is calling, must go and soothe it.

  • Lindy: Have a good time with your family. Loved the toad story!

    Hi, all.

  • Good morning, all, and a very happy Independence Day to our friends in the US.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning Everyone. We are tired as yesterday was a long day - had a dreadful journey south to see the family, which took an hour longer than it should, due to huge Friday queues on the roads, roadworks, and after a conversation with our Son on mobile, during which he said "You'll be fine once you get onto the M5, as they've now finished the roadworks there" we found we were stuck in yet another queue due to an accident up ahead! Two tired grandparents eventually arrived. Our grandsons are growing apace: young Tomasz is preparing for starting school after the summer holidays, and Matthew is sitting up and giving toothy grins to anyone who will notice! Had a meal out in a pub, which was messy to say the least! Who knew that sweet corn & peas could be scattered over such a wide area!!
  • Preparing now for our departure for Wales - we hope to get there before lunch today as the best of the weather for the weekend should be this afternoon. No time to visit Glaslyn to see the new chicks, sadly as we have a social visit to make & we have to prepare our van for our family to visit next week. Back ourselves on Monday or Tuesday. Have a good weekend, All.
  • Happy Indepence Day to our American friends. 

    Good morning all. Violent storm last night for abipout an hour. Dont think I have seen lightening like this before. Even worse were the huge hailstones. Billie and I were not happy bunnies at all, she went and hid under the bed and hid under the quilt. OH commented it was just like a tropical storm. Saw on the news that there were over 14,000 lightening strikes across the country.  Hope everyone is OK and now it has all moved North. I think I managed about an hour of sleep so feeling very tired this morning.

    Attended our friend's funeral yesterday, cremation first and followed by a Servuce of Rememberance in the beaytiful church in Puddletown. Wonderful hymns and classical music played. It was sad but lots of things that raised a laugh during two eulogies given by some close friends. So nice that most of the village attended as it is a close knit community.

    Chemo starts again Momday, how quickly the time comes around. Hoping I will not feel so bad this time.

    Have a good weekend all and take care.

    Margo x

  • Good Morning Everyone. We could hear the thunder and see some lightning but didn't actually have a bad storm. Heavy rain only lasted a few minutes, but we have had rain this morning. Our daughter, in London, said that she had never seen such bad storms in the UK.

    Margo, I was looking at the lightning App. and I could see that you were having a bad storm. We were thinking of you. Best wishes for your chemo next week. Pleased that you were able to attend your friend's funeral. Hopefully you will be able to meet up with his wife again in the near future.

    Hope you ALL survived the storms without any damage to your homes.

  • Just been to pick up two David Austin roses ( English Garden ) that we had ordered. OH out bowling in Hastings this afternoon, so the roses won't be planted today. |

    The men beat the ladies in the bowls match last night. Disappointingly, some of our best ladies were unable to play, but it was a fun evening.

    It was great to see that Heather Watson produced such good tennis against Serena Williams last night.

  • A happy Independence Day to our American Friends.