WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JUNE 21, 2015

Good grief! Another week!  

In case you missed it, Heather is now grandma to a little girl (as yet unnamed); Rita and tortoises have arrived safely at daughter's but tortoises got up to mischief; Diane is finishing up her freelance assignment, AQ's car floor mats have disintegrated, and OG has been doing the ironing.  I've been out in the garden - how unusual. Anyway, it's all happening!

Have a good Monday all - it's the longest Monday of the year, so make the most of it..

  • Annette - thanks for the explanation about health care where you are. I suppose it will have to be thrashed out over time, as to the balance between costs and the fact that people everywhere should have access to affordable healthcare in a civilised society. Rant over!

    As you say, any post from dear Margo is A Good Post - {HUGS} Margo!

  • Oh, AQ!! Do you mean you lost a filling, or do you mean you went to the Dentist? Hope its OK now. See that a more pleasant Nanny Day came at a price. Those tinies will be growing fast now and I expect other problems will arise when they're more mobile, but at least you might be able to entertain them when they're more aware of their surroundings.
  • Must go & clean something, starting with me!!
  • AQ, Good that the dental appointment is dealt with. Pleased that the twins co-ordinated their naps, but at the expense of your daughter's night's sleep.

    Just watching the news, including a piece about Glastonbury. Has anyone ever been there ?  

  • Our Eldest went once, years ago.  He said it was everything everyone had ever said:  noisy, muddy, and terrible loos!!  But I must say that they do seem to have a lot of fun.

  • My OH has gone out so although I'm still not dressed yet, I've come on to post my wild flower pics. He doesn't do internet or pc or anything:  he can only cope with texting on his phone because I had to teach him to reply to his messages!  So I think he's a little put out when I spend a lot of time on here.

    We found that most of the flowers seemed to be pink at this time of year....

    As usual, so busy snapping I didn't notice the wonky horizon LOL!!!

    This was such a lovely big "cushion" I couldnt resist, even though it was through the fence. The stream behind it was rushing noisily down to the sea.

    Edit:  these were all captured within half an hour, on just one walk by the sea.

  • I don't think that Margo will mind if I post here a picture she sent me the other day, of dear little Billie, relaxing:

    Isn't she gorgeous?!  Such lovely colouring.

  • Whoops!  she's come out upside down!  That's weird, I put it in the right way up and it came out wrong, now I've put it in upside down, and its alright!

    If you view this the wrong way, you'll just have to stand on your head or turn your pc upside down, LOL!!

  • Dear All

    Thanks so much for your kind thoughts and words of encouragement. MOB episode started with the news that Bryan Ferry had postponed his show due to illness. Bit childish on my part but I had so been looking forward to it. As you know we both love going to live shows but go a lot less now since I became ill. We now have a new date bit it in Octoner but it clashes with chemo. I had asked for a 5 week break so that I would feel well enough to see him. Unfortunately having that week longer between treatments did seem to affect me in that I felt really under the weather for a couple of weeks and the eating situation even worse than normal. I still want to see him and will ask the consultant if I could have another 5 week break and put up with consequences of not feeling to good.

    Had a fright on the day chemo was starting when the cancer unit asked me to come in for another blood test as the the previous Friday's test was showing a drop in my white cells. Not sure if some sort of mistake occurred but this test showed white cell count was OK. It is things like this when I realise how precarious things are. As has been said many times I am so restricted in what I can do. Most of the time I can cope but I just slid into MOB mode. We also had some sad news about our friends that we had made contact with again after many years for various reasons. Her husband has not been in the best of health for a long time ampnd suddenly went into decline and died. Very upsetting for her and their daighter as they had to take the decision to turn his life support off as the hospital could do nothing further for him. Although it was expected to happen eventually, they did not think it would happen as quickly as it did. Once again it illustrates that we should live every day as we never know what can happen. Telling myself that I am lucky to still be here.

    Of course I do worry for my wonderful OH as his life has changed so much with hardly any time to do some of the things he likes to do. He did go up to London last Sunday to see "Whose Line is it Anyway" which he very much enjoyed. On Wednesday his boss to all the staff horse racing at Salisbury and he came home very happy having had 4 winners. We both love going to the races but sadly I would not be able to go now so another reminder of the constant restrictions on my life all of which I find hard to accept at times. I am sure I will get over this episode but consultant visit next Tuesday with chemo starting again the week after. OH is kindness personified and understands when I am so tetchy thank goodness.

    Billie is her usual adorable and affectionate self. Never far from me and during the nice weather we are having sits in her own garden chair beside me. We have to chase the shade round though as it has been quite hot. Will always be so happy that she came into our lives. We both adore her and she is spoilt but worth it for all the joy she gives us.

    Brenda and Heather thanks for the telephone conversations, it really does divert my mind for a while.

    George thinking if you.

    Lindybird and Heather pleased you bith found wedding outfits.

    OG hope you are feeling stronger now.

    Sorry I have not replied to all of your posts but I do read and enjoy them.

    i will finish now as it would be just my luck at the moment to lose this long ramble.

    Margo xx

  • Lindybird said:

    I don't think that Margo will mind if I post here a picture she sent me the other day, of dear little Billie, relaxing:

    Isn't she gorgeous?!  Such lovely colouring.


    Lindy lovely wild flower pics and I don't mind at all that you have posted pic of Billie. She looks a bit fat but it is the way she is laying. Just letting everything hang lose lol. Thanks for the pics you sent me including Bonnie in much the same position I.e showing all her bits.