WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JUNE 21, 2015

Good grief! Another week!  

In case you missed it, Heather is now grandma to a little girl (as yet unnamed); Rita and tortoises have arrived safely at daughter's but tortoises got up to mischief; Diane is finishing up her freelance assignment, AQ's car floor mats have disintegrated, and OG has been doing the ironing.  I've been out in the garden - how unusual. Anyway, it's all happening!

Have a good Monday all - it's the longest Monday of the year, so make the most of it..

  • Hi all

    Glad that your friend approved of the outfit, LINDY. Had to laugh at your OHs obvious relief!

    We have had a busy day, the midwife called in, Mike and I went shopping, Barbara's elder sister and husband called in and stayed for lunch.

    My OH took himself out for lunch at a nearby restaurant and had sea bass,which he said was lovely.He was walking, so had wine to wash it down. He can't be missing me that much! I am going home on Wednesday, have been told that I can stay as long as I want but feel that the family should be together, getting to know the new addition etc etc.You know what I mean...

  • Thought your OH would survive for a few days without you, Heather. Glad you're staying till Wednesday, but I know what you mean. When our little grandson was poorly in hospital last December, we were glad to hold the fort and keep things going at their house, but the minute he was back home again, we left so that the family could regroup.
  • Bonnie's latest escapade - she came into the house with a dark muzzle yesterday, and I thought it was just mud from the hole she's been busy digging in the garden border. Then I saw she was chewing something white: she had almost completely emptied a tub which in the spring was full of miniature iris. We rescued some of the bulbs and put something heavy on top of what was left of the soil in the tub. I've been worried all along that she liked bulbs, and hoping that she didn't find too many of the daffodils as they can be poisonous.
  • Linda – Reading Bonnie’s naughty deeds reminds me so much of MissJ. Yesterday she had fun getting into kitchen cupboards whenever I took my eyes off to deal with MissL who refused loudly & kickingly to have her afternoon nap. So glad s-i-l came home “not late” and I could escape. I feel like lolling around today but I’m on my last library book. A short excursion for more, methinks.

    Heather – I hope you have a pic or two of Arabella Grace. (Lovely names)

  • Heather: You must be a very helpful Mom if you were told you could stay as long as you like, but it's thoughtful of you to leave the new parents to get acquainted with the new addition Just realized that we call small Portobello mushrooms Baby Bellas!  

    AQ: I nearly had a fit last Saturday when I went to the library to pick up a book I'd reserved (had nothing else to read at that point) and was very dismayed to see a "Closed" sign on the door. A few of us stopped in our tracks muttering darkly about possible reasons, then someone exited with books and confirmed that it was open - they'd just forgotten to turn the sign around.

    Hope everyone, especially our MIAs, are okay!

  • Good Morning. Cold here again today, but warmer temps promised for later on so I might do some laundry. Annette - glad the library was open after all! I belong to the local library but haven't been for a couple of years as I have so many books in the house I keep meaning to get around to reading. Really, I should have time this summer as I'm not glued to the LG webcam!
  • AQ - hard to keep track of little ones when they get to the exploring stage, and open cupboards etc. I'm just relieved that dogs find it hard to do that! My OH shouted up the stairs just now as I wrote the above post, to say that Bonnie has pulled over the ironing board which was folded up & leaning on the kitchen wall!
  • Good morning

    LINDY - What a start to the day! Hope that things improve LOL

    ANNETTE- Until I got my Kindle I used to panic if there wasn't a new book to start. Addiction or what?

    It's pretty dull here this morning but no rain.

  • Heather - hope that you and Arabella Grace have a good day! I'm off to get 'hosed down' and start on the neglected housework!

  • AQ- Invisible childproof 'locks' make cupboards impossible for little fingers to open. Mind you, grannies with stiff fingers sometimes have difficulty operating the concealed lever, I was using sweary words yesterday.