WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JUNE 21, 2015

Good grief! Another week!  

In case you missed it, Heather is now grandma to a little girl (as yet unnamed); Rita and tortoises have arrived safely at daughter's but tortoises got up to mischief; Diane is finishing up her freelance assignment, AQ's car floor mats have disintegrated, and OG has been doing the ironing.  I've been out in the garden - how unusual. Anyway, it's all happening!

Have a good Monday all - it's the longest Monday of the year, so make the most of it..

  • All in bed here. Babybel sleeping but not for long, I'm sure as she will be due a feed soon. She was very restless earlier and I was hesitant to interfere but Mum was dozing so I swaddled her and she settled well. Barbara, when she woke, said that the nurses had done the same last night and it was the only thing that worked. That made me feel OK!! I generally never try and tell my children/children in law what to do but on this occasion it was OK :-))

    LINDY- I agree, it is so difficult to choose an outfit for a wedding especially if you are mother of the bride or groom. I was put down by a shop owner when choosing an outfit for eldest daughter's wedding. I murmured that it would be good to have something that I could wear again. The reply was that as Mother if the Bride, that should not be a major consideration! I'm sure my face was a picture.

    ANNETTE- I love your description of your daughter's driving style :-))

    I am feeling the need for sleep - all babied out. Take care, all.

  • More pics:   These were taken on our visit to Glaslyn last Tuesday:

    When you arrive, there is a mock up of an Osprey nest outside the viewing platform: (the old platform run by RSPB originally, is in the distance in this picture)

    Inside their brand new viewing building & platform, there are pics of the live feed from the nest, and also some film on a loop, (on left of this pic) from last year, of the nest occupants:

    The scopes & viewing platform look out over the river:

    Whilst we were there, the female got up and inspected the eggs:  they are the last of several eggs laid this year. Some came to grief earlier :-(

    I will put more pics on the Glaslyn thread.

  • Heather:   you must be tired now. But looking after a little one is a little like riding a bicycle, it all comes back to you! Glad they are at home now. Sleep well.

  • Hello all. Thank you Annette for starting us off and sumarizing what everyone has been up to.

    Heather - lovely to hear that your grand-daughter has arrived safely.

    Lindy - great to see pics from Glaslyn, I do like that area of North Wales. I see Snowdonia in the background.

    Didn't go to church this morning as had to wait in for delivery of new fridge/freezer.  We had to go out on Thursday and buy a new one as the fridge had packed up of the one we had. Freezer was OK. Got up about 6.45am to defrost freezer and empty it along with fridge contents. Had a call about 8.45am that they would be about 1/2 hour and they promptly arrived about 9.15.  All set up by 9.30 but had to wait 2 hrs. before using and apparently the gases had to settle. Working fine so I now have a working fridge with a freezer.

    Was a rain affected day yesterday down here but a glorious one today for the start of summer.

  • Evening all:  

    Lindybird: Daughter's car sold to the first person who came to look at it. We set a reasonable price (maybe a little too reasonable!). It's a solid and economical vehicle, perfect for local commuting, which is what this young man wanted.  I felt really bad for all the other people who called though; I'm sure most of them really neeed something just like it.  Nice pix from Glaslyn!

    Heather: Oh dear, wanting something that I could wear again would be a top priority for me!  Sounds like your granny's instincts are right on!

    Lynette:  Interesting that the fridge was delivered on a Sunday; can I ask what kind you got?

    Whipped through the living room before tackling the kitchen so at least the front of house is sparkly.

    Apparently, the ISS is going over tonight at 9:20. Will try to remember to putter out and take a look.

    Have a good Monday everyone.

  • Good Morning, All. Dry here now, but its been raining. Never mind, the garden needs it, although it's not as dry as California! Annette- don't blame you for attempting to keep your orange tree alive. Good that the car sold quickly. Lynette - Its always a pain when you get a new fridge and have to wait a few hours for it to settle down. At least you got a replacement promptly!
  • Have a good Monday, Everyone! Here is a pic especially for Margo.......
  • Quiet on here today..... Been to chat with Friend, and she approves of my choice! So its full steam ahead for going to look for shoes, bag etc. I don't normally wear black as I've mentioned before, but as there is a random black stripe through the design of the fabric, we've decided that strappy black shoes and possibly even a black clutch bag will set it all off. ,"What did she think?" saith my husband on my return --- then "Thank goodness for that!" when I gave the verdict!!!!!
  • Morning - um - Lindybird!  As you say, quiet on here.  Good your friend gave the nod to your outfit. I bet your OH isn't bothered at all about what to wear.  :-)

    Off to start the day.

  • LoL Annette - He is only bothered about how much fuss it will all be! Likes the quiet life! He will be wearing his best suit with a new tie - but he hasn't realised yet that a new tie is required!