WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015

Hallo all.  Long day out; nice to see grandson and partner and see photos from the Bahamas.  Had a strawberry waffle for breakfast, but was seriously taken aback by frozen strawberries - this in a town literally surrounded by strawberry fields and farm stands bursting at the seams with luscious ripe berries. 

Off to catch up with last few posts from the previous week.

  • Evening all:

    OG: Welcome home!

    Rita: My sister is currently looking in on tortoises for her neighbor who is away, but as she says, how do you know if they're alive?  :-))  Have fun with all the critters?  Where are you going?

    Heather: I suppose you'll prepare all kinds of food for your OH that will still be there when you get back.  Have a super time and of course bring back photos to share (if your daughter is okay with that).   Have to agree that sittooterie is a marvellous word!

    bjane: That's very interesting about BPPV. I just looked at the info on the Mayo Clinic web site, which confirms what you said and have sent the link on to my OH.  Thank you!

    Have a good Monday everyone.

  • A late Good Morning Everyone. A dull, cloudy, coldish morning here.

    I was following an App yesterday morning from 7.30am, which I only left to go to church and then continued afterwards, yesterday. Our son took part in a Steel Man half Triathlon. ( Swim - 1.9km / 1.2 miles, Cycle - 92km / 55.92 miles Run - 21.1km / 13.1 miles )  I was sending his wife texts of his progress.  She was there, but was having great trouble timing her stops to see him. I have great admiration for anyone who completes these challenges. They will be leaving ( with Penny ) for Singapore a week today. There has been quite a few trips of private possessions they want to leave with us and our daughter. Their furniture / possessions, which they wish to take with them, are being packed up by the removal people later this week, to be sent out to Singapore. :-(( 

    Back soon, a neighbour has just arrived..........

  • AQ, A lovely photograph of the twins enjoying their Birthday cakes. Hope you have recovered from the days exertions.

    Heather, I hope all goes well for the birth of your grandchild. We all know that you will worry about your OH while you are away, even though you say that he will be well looked after by family members :-)) I can already hear your frequent phone calls to check what he is eating and where. LOL

    Rita, I did laugh at the thought of how your car will be packed when you go away. Such a pity that your neighbour will be away at the same time, though. We also have had rooks coming into the garden recently, but they only seem to be coming for a drink of water. I love watching how they scoop the water up in their beaks.

    Bjane, I am so pleased to read that the physio manipulations worked for your vertigo. My neighbours tell me that they were told to lie on a flat bed, with their head hanging over the edge, while the physio moved their head. As I said, previously, it didn't work for them.

    OG, Good to see you arrived home to good weather. I presume J has been busy keeping plants watered.

  • Morning all (well, so far only Brenda!)  :-)

    Brenda: Gosh, that will be tough seeing the kids off to Singapore. Is this a permanent position or for a limited time?  You'll have to plan a trip to visit.

  • Annette, It is promotion for DiL and seems to be for 2 -3 years. It will be a case of wait and see. Our son has accepted a transfer in his job.  We have been made to promise to go for a holiday asap. I am not looking forward to their actual leaving, but trying to appear happy for them :-((  It all seems a pity, in one way, as they only bought a bigger house before Christmas, which they have plans to modernise, have walls removed etc. which is all now on hold and they will rent it out while they are away. I feel they should take the opportunity now, while they are in their mid thirties, so as not to think ' what if.' when they are older. I will miss them so much. 

  • Hello All -  Dull and cloudy here today.   Discovered this morning that my M.O.T. ran out in March! Panic!  as I am hoping to go away at the end of this

    week. I went up to the garage in the village and luckily he said he could do it this afternoon, but when I arrived up there I was told  that he had hurt his eye and had gone to hospital.   I feel very sorry for him but am now wondering about my M.O.T.        Anyway, I spent the morning cleaning out the inside of the car which really needed it and I am ashamed to say only seems to get done when I am going away.  It really looks nice now.   I wash the outside quite often but neglect the inside!     I also discovered recently that my hot water tank is leaking (corroded) and am now waiting for the plumber to put a new tank in, he promised to do it last week, now he says this week but I have not heard anything today, I really cannot go away leaving a bucket underneath!  

  • Brenda - I do admire your son doing the half Triathlon, a great test of stamina.    I am sure you will miss them a lot when they go to Singapore, do you have a Skype connection?   Then at least you could see them and talk to them.   I am glad that they are able to take Penny with them.

  • Wow, Rita, why do these things happen when we are going away. If the plumber doesn't replace your tank, he must drain it for you and turn off the water before you leave. I do hope he turns up, though, and fits your new tank. I also hope your car mechanic, or a replacement, is able to complete your MOT. I am so sorry you have such problems. {{ HUGS }}

    Yes, we will be able to talk on Skype to our son and his wife. 

  • OH dear,RITA, that is really bad luck. I hope all will be well and you will get away on time , car and boiler both fixed.

    BRENDA- You will miss them so much but as you say, better that they go than look back and say 'we wish'. Do try and visit them if you can, it is easy for me to say but my youngest daughter's in laws make a yearly visit to NZ to see their daughter and family. A long flight but they are only 60ish and don't find it too arduous.

    As well as getting house and hubby organised before I go south on Friday, I've been looking for an outfit for a family wedding in three weeks time. We got the invite at the beginning of June. I've booked hotel and bought a wedding gift but don't know what to wear:-(

  • Heather, I will go to see son and his wife. I would love to see Singapore.

    Good Luck finding your wedding outfit. Wedding outfit and a new grandchild due !!!