Daily Update (Loch Garten Nest) Thursday 4 June 2015

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  • Thanks Mike. I meant I could see no standardisation both l and r ringing is seen in both Scotland  and England & Wales. All very confusing for a quick glance of a birds leg.

  • I have edited my post to include a link which may help in that it indicates that 'standardisation' is fairly new thus we will have these anomalies for some while.

  • Morning everyone. 

    The ringing situation is that things have changed over the year.

    Obviously EJ has a white Davic ring on her right leg and a BTO metal ring on her left leg.  Well I think it was normal to ring Scottish birds on their right leg up until 1997. Of course up until 1997 there were no adult ospreys resident in England.

    Starting in 1996 the birds translocated  to Rutland had rings on their left left led as can be seen from any picture of 3 (97)

    However starting in 1998 it changed around. 

    Scottish birds were given Darvic rings on left leg and  English/Welsh birds were ringed on right leg.

    Of course all birds also have a BTO ring on the leg opposite to the Darvic.

    Mind you there are lots of exceptions to all these rules for a whole variety of reasons. 

  • It must be remembered that the ringers have to finance ringing out of their own pockets. Thus if a change takes place say to have all UK rings blue then the ringers are still going to use up the rings they already got before starting on new stock.

    Also they have started using rings with three characters. Now once again some ringers are still using rings with two characters. 

  • 08.44 EJ lands  Shecalled for a few mins and left.

  • 9.15 and already 5 pages! Let's hope the rest of the day is a bit less eventful.


  • 08.57 EJ returns with a twig. and starts nestorations.     And leaves

  • Unusually Mr Rutland - 03(97) and his daughter Nora - 03(08) had identical white rings but on different legs.

    Bassenthwaite continued using white rings until 2013. Last year they used blue 2 character rings.

    Hilary J

  • She's back:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

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