WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2015

Hallo all!  Pies, champagne, snacks on some folks menus and yes, OG, you will get addicted to BBC Rewind.

  • OG, Each player takes sandwiches and cakes for himself and one player for the visiting team. We then serve them all on platters, on tables for six players. ( usually 4 tables ). As there was not a match, no food has been brought to the clubhouse. I have bought milk for the tea, though, which is now sitting in my fridge. I already have enough for our use.

    The rain has stopped at last, here and the sun is trying to shine.  

  • Looks like you'll have to make a rice pudding, Brenda!  The rain has stopped here, too which is a blessing as we were able to let both dogs gallop about in the garden - very funny!! Such leaping!  -but hardly any barking.   They get on very well but have tired each other out:  we've put Bonnie into her crate and she is now asleep, with poor Lulu in a heap on the floor.

    tina:  We always make a pumpkin pie when the pumpkins are in the shops in Autumn:  I love it!

    Last pics from Wales, as we left Beaumaris I took pictures out of the car window of the view:

       -   -  part of the Snowdonia mountain range in the background.

    Then we took the Brittania Bridge to get back onto the mainland, its a very solid looking bridge:

    Again, the mountains are in the background.  There are notices on some of the pillars with phone numbers to ring if you feel suicidal :-(

  • p.s.  Tina:  Hope your OH has had better weather, too.  Well done for him doing such a long ride.

  • Good evening.

    Well OH is finally home, looking dare I say it shattered also struggling to walk :/ Apparently the cycle route was extended slightly to 32 miles. The young mad he supervises with Down syndrome, struggled with one of his knees half way round, so he needed lots of encouragement to finish, plus he walked a little way because of it, mostly up the steeper areas, but good on them both for completing it, OH is now asleep in the upright position supposedly watching the television.

    I have to thank everyone for your kind thoughts re: OH's charity bike ride, I have a suspicion it will be a one off!

    OG: well done to your granddaughter for completing the 5k, its not easy after illness trying to get back in to any sport, but I'm sure that is all she needs to spur her on.

    The library was fairly busy, although I did say to OH they are doing away with librarians, its all computerized and do it yourself, very sad in my opinion.

    I am really looking forward to trying the pumpkin pie, talking to my daughter earlier, she groaned at the mention of it, she had previously  tried to bake it herself, she wasn't too impressed.

    Brenda: I was so taken aback that someone would go to the effort of baking a pie just because my OH had cleaned his windows, it was the least we could do to invite him to dinner, thank goodness it was what I call my special fish pie :-)

    Lindy: lovely photos of Snowdonia, we were there last year camping and loved every minute of it, the photos have just brought back lovely memories, also of very sore feet :-)

    Our friend from Selsey has just popped in as he is staying on his boat for the week, to give me a bottle of wine for cleaning the boat.

    My OH was quite embarrassing, he so tired, he was nodding off and our friend talks and talks, so I felt quite exhausted when he left.

    I watched a programme last night about the life of Dame Judi Dench, one part of it she sang at the Proms, 'send in the clowns' what can't this truly gifted woman do, she is wonderful in my eyes.

    So I am now off to iron uniform for tomorrow, where do the weekends go :(

    Bye for now everyone.

  • The key to a good pumpkin pie is to add enough spices. Otherwise, they are bland. :-)

    Tina: I can honestly say that I have spoken on the phone to Dame Judi Dench, briefly. I was the editor on a book for which she had written the Foreword. She was very nice to me.

    I watched the entire As Time Goes By TV series twice. :-)

  • When I was in sixth form at school, we were taken to see the young Judi Dench (and Simon Ward) in The Fire Screen, by Alfred de Musset (we were studying him in French Literature but this was in English).  One of the Dames of that era (to my shame I can't be sure whether it was Dame Sybil Thorndyke or Dame Edith Evans, but I think it was Dame Sybil) was appearing at the other theatre in Oxford and came along to critique the production and performance.  She predicted that Judi Dench would go far!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello all, thanks Annette for the start to a new week and already we are almost in June.

    Thanks for your news of whats been happening to you all.

    Lindybird - love those pics of Beaumaris and the bridge. Brings memories of my North Wales family holidays to life.  Love that part of the world but can't get OH back as much as I'd like.

    Day started off here wet but not that cold and then brightened up in the afternoon.   Had a dedication at church today, what a poppet she was. Don't know the family but she and mum attends the Toddler Inn group at Carey.

    Leaving off going to the gym on Tuesday as OH has a hospital appointment but hope to go on Thursday.

    Take care all.

  • Evening all: Nice normal day; puttering here and there, scrubbed out the bird feeders, went to the gym, then stopped by one of my favorite garden shops and spotted a gorgeous deep purple Salvia that I got with the remains of my Christmas gift certificate; in fact, I may go back and buy another tomorrow.  We planted a few red and purple ones some months back and the hummingbirds love them.

    Lindybird: I can't drink in the middle of the day at all - but when I'm "forced" :-)  to celebrate I'll sometimes add orange juice to the champagne for a Mimosa.  Talking of yummy snacks, all the food and wine at our whale count event was donated - by Costco and three other really good local markets. Our fearless leader's wife did the arm twisting and asked for gift cards coz she said could make much more food by buying the ingredients than having the stores provide the actual snacks.  Thanks for the additional holiday pix; we have a bridge in our area that's a "favorite" spot for suicides and that made it too easy for folks who might possibly have acted on the spur of the moment. They put up a barrier aimed at preventing such sad events and there haven't been any since that was installed.

    Tina: Brilliant of your OH to have accomplished that ride; sounds like a hard slog but for a very worthy cause - and he certainly deserved that nap. Hope you made a big fuss of him.  Love pumpkin pie (but not with as many spices as Diane prefers).

    Diane: Wow, how long ago was it that you spoke to Dame Judy?

    Have a quick follow up doc's appt. and then the dentist early in the week - but nothing else planned so far.  Hurray!

    Have a good Monday everyone.

  • TINA  Well done to your OH.  Hope the weather isn't too dreadful for them, and that they make lots for the charity.

  • I do agree. Judi Dench is wonderful in anything she does.Ditto Maggie Smith.