Daily Update ~ Loch Garten Nest ~ Monday, 18 May 2015

I understand that it was a quiet day on the nest on Sunday. Odin continued to pester EJ for sex while she continued to sit on the single egg which almost certainly will not hatch. 

There only five more egg laying days in the 2015 season. It looks as if there are not going to be any chicks at Loch Garten in 2015.

  • So hopefully he could be busily munching through the head. Here is my stupid thought for today and hopefully Keith,Tiger or CRinger might stop laughing long enough to answer. When I was at the Centre on Saturday Odins feathers are really not in good condition as they normally are. Would this affect his ability to fish without becoming waterlogged.

  • Considering I am the wife big faux pas.

  • Lmac - I am far from laughing and am sure Tiger or CRinger are also not laughing. We just look at these birds through different eyes.

    Believe me I wish that I had seen 3 young ospreys fledge in July.

    I am thinking rather like Oldshoremore and wonder if his ability is impaired or not. His post makes sense even though we all speculate.

  • EJ started to get up....buffer..... and she's back down calling loudly.

  • Thanks Keith, did wonder.  Odin has certainly been eating and obviously eating a fair amount.  In the 45 mins - 1 hour I was there he produced three strong poops so there is definitely food going into his system - sorry to be crude.  He was showing no signs of injury or drooping wings but was doing a lot of preening.

  • I thought / hoped she was getting ready for a fish delivery then, MOFFER

  • We haven't heard from LG as to whether Odin is bringing in fish and eating within sight of EJ (hence the persistent calling) or as seems more likely, for some reason he is not feeding either.  

  • Thanks Lmac - No Problem and also for the first hand knowledge that Odin has been taking food (So he is just not providing for his partner) - so there must be a motive that I do not know.

    Unfortunately still in Wales and passing through Dyfi tomorrow on the way up North. Hope to get a trip up the A9 over the next few days myself.

  • Unknown said:

    Here is my stupid thought for today and hopefully Keith,Tiger or CRinger might stop laughing long enough to answer. When I was at the Centre on Saturday Odins feathers are really not in good condition as they normally are. Would this affect his ability to fish without becoming waterlogged.

    Certainly NOT a stupid thought and I am certain no-one is laughing. Odin, in common with other male Ospreys will be going through a gradual moult of some of his feathers at the moment. It needs to be gradual as a sudden loss of many feathers would indeed affect his ability to fish. That is probably why some of his plumage may not be in particularly good condition - it is about to moult. But, ain't evolution amazing, females on the other hand go through their moult much quicker. They are programmed to do this when they do not need to fish and have little need to fly i.e. while they are incubating. Unlike earlier tonight I can share a memory with confidence about the date - it was 2004 when the eggs used to be counted by the 'shaving mirror on top of aluminium poles' method. On the days preceding the egg count it had been pretty calm and we collected quite an Indian head set of EJ feathers from under the nest when we did the count.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • CRinger said:
    we collected quite an Indian head set of EJ feathers from under the nest when we did the count.

    I hope you managed to keep some, CRINGER :-)

    Thank you, everyone, for sharing your thoughts on this unhappy situation.  EJ has just paused her calling and I can now mute the volume without seeming to be callous, it's nap time here.  I fervently hope that EJ will have eaten when I come back.