Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 17 May 2015


Last week's Chat thread is HERE.

I thought Annette seemed tired from all of her pet-sitting and entertaining duties, so I've started this week's new thread. Hope that's okay, Annette and all.

I've been very busy on a freelance project. The contract allows another month to complete the work, but I want to finish it sooner. It's very demanding (thanks for asking about it, Brenda).

I've also been trying to keep up with my lawn mowing. I've managed to see a lot of wildlife this week.

I've seen R.T. Hawk and his mate. I assume they're hunting to feed young. R.T. flew low over the driveway lane and gave me a disapproving look and a bit of a screech because he doesn't like the lawn mower. :-)

For the first time in many years, I saw an Indigo Bunting on my patch. He was glorious and looked like a blue Easter egg. He was singing like a canary, so he must have a mate this year, too. Woo-hoo!

With great fear and trepidation, I mowed over the site of last year's yellow jacket nest (aggressive species of wasp). I was so grateful because I didn't see a single yellow jacket! Apparently, they are well and truly gone and have relocated to someone else's land. Yay! I was swarmed twice last year, and I don't think I could take any more of their venom!

On Thursday, I had an exciting incident. I was cutting some weeds along the house, and a stunning, shiny black head appeared. A black snake flicked his tongue at me, and then climbed up the exterior wall of the house (yes, they climb!!!). He disappeared behind a loose piece of siding. All four feet of him!

He was gorgeous! It's a good thing he was a gentle black snake and not a racer; he might have bitten me, because I was pretty close to him. I knew what he was, though, and I wasn't afraid. I hope he stays around, because he'll keep chipmunks, field mice, and other critters away from the house and the car. :-)

There used to be a big one on this patch a few years ago, about 5.5 feet long. This fella must be an offspring.

I also have an active pileated woodpecker nest this year, and they're all very loud.

I hope you all are enjoying the spring and looking forward to summer. I wish good travels and fun times to all who are on holidays.

I'll be around to post when I finish my work. Take care, all.

  • Here is something to ponder over:

  • what a little beauty Alan :-)

  • Good afternoon everyone, finished work until Tuesday :-)

    Lindy, thank you for your kind words, the headache has finally gone.

    I did chuckle re: Bonnie's 'devastation' during the night, I would have left it to the OH, the only down side my OH would have muttered and muttered afterwards,  we have had similar, no doubt on a smaller scale with the cats.

    Brenda, surely no one can keep that amount of fluid in all that time, I also chuckled at your post.

    OG, I quite like the size of the typeface, I didn't need my glasses to read it :-)

    Annette, I pray the oil slick's not has bad as 'they' thought.

    Well I have now got to clean up a little and feed the cats, I will catch up later, its a glorious afternoon here.

  • Lovely picture of Bowie, Alan.

    Managed to up my game a little and did up to 20 lengths at the gym yesterday.

    Just purchased a new slightly larger monitor of my PC so looking forward to receiving it sometime towards the end of next week.

    If anyone is going away for the weekend, enjoy.

    We are staying put. OH has semi-final play-offs in the rugby tomorrow and if we win its the final at Twickers.

  • Did anyone else feel the earthquake - something like 4.2 on the Richter scale. Although I had a restless night didn't feel anything where we are.

  • Hope you're enjoying your break, OG

    Looks like your having fun and games with Bonnie in more ways than one.  Enjoy your Welsh break Lindy.

  • Morning all:  Was disturbed by photo on front page of LA Times this morning showing a seal on the beach covered in oil. It apparently managed to waddle back into the ocean.  Not sure who, if anyone, was around to help this poor creature or prevent it from re-entering the water, but it does beg the question of why "they" are discouraging volunteers!   Just shot off an e-mail to the reporter/photographer asking if they saw any of the official, "invited" volunteers at the site.  Grrrr.

    Brenda: Oh good, nice meal and wine and pleasant visit with family sounds like a lovely b/day for OH.  Nine cups of tea for the workmen?  Hmm, does kind of beg the question of where it wall went. :-)

    Tina: Glad you're feeling better. Those headaches you wake up with can really hang around.

    Lynette: Good for you at the gym; I'm starting with the weights lower due to recent erratic schedule.

    Margo: Hope you're enjoying nice days out and yummy meals with OH!

    Alan:  I can see life is tough for Bowie. :-)  He really is super cute.

    It's Memorial Day weekend here; so govt. stuff closed Monday but huge sales on everywhere. I shall be in the garden!

    Take care all.

  • Annette - good for you, asking about the poor seal. Good idea to stay in your own garden on a busy weekend! Tina - glad its gone, & hope it doesn't come back! Brenda - I also laughed a lot at the thought of all that liquid refreshment! And where it possibly went! Hope the wall looks good when its done.
  • We've been preparing for our visitors, and I went to nearby town as they have an M&S - I bought goodies there in the food hall to take with us to our family gathering on Sunday. I am about to make some bite sized sausage rolls, though. Just had a visit from Sis-in-law and Bonnie went crazy, as she knows her well, now. Makes us feel better about leaving B in her care when we go away, in future.
  • Bonnie's "chewed" list for today & yesterday - tissues out of my handbag - you would be surprised how much white snow it makes on the carpet when you shred just one! The white stuffing out of her bed - ditto. Brought into the house a chewed up plastic flowerpot, a dried worm, some plant stalks. Ate several dead flies on the floor, but spat out a dead spider...... Also stole the phone handset & ran around with it. Barked at the item on the TV News about man's relationship with wolves, as there were dogs & wolves howling on that!