Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 17 May 2015


Last week's Chat thread is HERE.

I thought Annette seemed tired from all of her pet-sitting and entertaining duties, so I've started this week's new thread. Hope that's okay, Annette and all.

I've been very busy on a freelance project. The contract allows another month to complete the work, but I want to finish it sooner. It's very demanding (thanks for asking about it, Brenda).

I've also been trying to keep up with my lawn mowing. I've managed to see a lot of wildlife this week.

I've seen R.T. Hawk and his mate. I assume they're hunting to feed young. R.T. flew low over the driveway lane and gave me a disapproving look and a bit of a screech because he doesn't like the lawn mower. :-)

For the first time in many years, I saw an Indigo Bunting on my patch. He was glorious and looked like a blue Easter egg. He was singing like a canary, so he must have a mate this year, too. Woo-hoo!

With great fear and trepidation, I mowed over the site of last year's yellow jacket nest (aggressive species of wasp). I was so grateful because I didn't see a single yellow jacket! Apparently, they are well and truly gone and have relocated to someone else's land. Yay! I was swarmed twice last year, and I don't think I could take any more of their venom!

On Thursday, I had an exciting incident. I was cutting some weeds along the house, and a stunning, shiny black head appeared. A black snake flicked his tongue at me, and then climbed up the exterior wall of the house (yes, they climb!!!). He disappeared behind a loose piece of siding. All four feet of him!

He was gorgeous! It's a good thing he was a gentle black snake and not a racer; he might have bitten me, because I was pretty close to him. I knew what he was, though, and I wasn't afraid. I hope he stays around, because he'll keep chipmunks, field mice, and other critters away from the house and the car. :-)

There used to be a big one on this patch a few years ago, about 5.5 feet long. This fella must be an offspring.

I also have an active pileated woodpecker nest this year, and they're all very loud.

I hope you all are enjoying the spring and looking forward to summer. I wish good travels and fun times to all who are on holidays.

I'll be around to post when I finish my work. Take care, all.

  • Hello all

    I have just looked up your link, DIANE and have seen the update. It doesn't bode well for anyone, human or animal. Seems to be heading down the coast. ANNETTE will update us again later, I'm sure.

    TINA - I think that your daughter sounds like one of mine, (I'm not saying which one!)

    I hope that you enjoyed your day out, BRENDA.

    A much better day here, today. I walked to town and back and have decided that I need to start getting going much earlier in the mornings and get some form of exercise each day. For one thing, I would sleep better...

  • Hello! We're back home again this afternoon, after an enforced absence from these pages. See that things have not progressed much at LG since I left last Friday, but I'm not surprised as the feeling seems to be that there will not be much action/chicks at this nest, for this year. At least our very dear EJ and Odin are still in fine fettle, so we shall have to wait until next year.
  • We've had a mixed break this time, both in terms of the weather and in our fortunes. More of that later - just off to read back to see how you all are on this thread!
  • Nice to see you back, LINDY.

  • Good afternoon, just back from work, so a much needed catch up on osprey nests and the lovely EJ.

    Heather: Pleased someone can relate to what I have to put up with re daughters (in a nice way)we love them dearly.

    My daughter is a Social worker for the learning disability team, the county council have provided them all with pedometers, their aim is to complete 10,000 steps a day, with which the team have now become quite competitive amongst themselves.

    Cars are now parked further away from the office, using the stairs etc, my daughter is also dragging her OH and 4 year old out for walks so she can complete the daily steps.

    Anyway this mornings call was to tell me that since starting counting steps, not quite 2 weeks, she has lost 5lb in weight.

    whilst typing, she has been on the phone giving me the steps update.

    Dibnlib: Yes the owners did the right thing, but I do question why have a dog in the first place knowing you will be out most of the day. Hopefully another will come along, I like the idea of rescuing a dog, so long as it gets on with our 2 cats, plus our grandson, but then I feel with all animals, cats and dogs, you have to be cautious where children are concerned, I know our cats have there moments if they are pestered.

    My daughter was saying she was watching a programme about puppy farms last night, but I find them too upsetting to watch.

    Annette: My mum use to do clothing alterations, I remember thinking it would be cheaper to buy a new dress/skirt etc, but then again if you like the skirt, its worth it.

    Good news about the whale count, not so good about the oil spill.

    Lindy: Welcome back

    I must go and do a little housework before dinner preparation.

  • Thanks, Heather! Everyone who writes on here seems to have been very busy lately.......too many posts to reply to, but glad that you enjoyed your trip to France, a part from the airport bits! :-( urgh. I hate airports but they are a necessary evil in order to do any kind of long travelling, so I grit my teeth and take my book! Glad you were able to get about when you were there, thanks to kindness of friends.
  • Thanks Tina - your daughter is doing well to keep up with all those steps. Some years ago I consciously tried to walk more by doing small things like parking a long way from the door of the s'market etc. But when I wore a pedometer, I was horrified at how little I walked in a normal day..... I still don't park near the door, and its often easier to find a nice big space for the car, anyway!
  • As its a disappointing season at Loch Garten because of the events that have happened, thought I would post from nests; Goshawks in The New Forest, Kestrel in Yorkshire , and the Goshawk nest in Caerphilly

    all courtesy of Carnyx

  • Morning all: Quick look in; will catch up later. In the meantime, here's an update on our oil spill. local.nixle.com/.../5416757

  • Thanks, Annette. I see that the spill expanded from 4 miles to 9 miles last night. Hope they can get it contained and keep it from moving down the coast much further. So sorry for the whales and other wildlife. Do monitor your own breathing.

    National Geographic just released an interesting article with compelling photos. I'm watching on NBC Los Angeles.