Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 17 May 2015


Last week's Chat thread is HERE.

I thought Annette seemed tired from all of her pet-sitting and entertaining duties, so I've started this week's new thread. Hope that's okay, Annette and all.

I've been very busy on a freelance project. The contract allows another month to complete the work, but I want to finish it sooner. It's very demanding (thanks for asking about it, Brenda).

I've also been trying to keep up with my lawn mowing. I've managed to see a lot of wildlife this week.

I've seen R.T. Hawk and his mate. I assume they're hunting to feed young. R.T. flew low over the driveway lane and gave me a disapproving look and a bit of a screech because he doesn't like the lawn mower. :-)

For the first time in many years, I saw an Indigo Bunting on my patch. He was glorious and looked like a blue Easter egg. He was singing like a canary, so he must have a mate this year, too. Woo-hoo!

With great fear and trepidation, I mowed over the site of last year's yellow jacket nest (aggressive species of wasp). I was so grateful because I didn't see a single yellow jacket! Apparently, they are well and truly gone and have relocated to someone else's land. Yay! I was swarmed twice last year, and I don't think I could take any more of their venom!

On Thursday, I had an exciting incident. I was cutting some weeds along the house, and a stunning, shiny black head appeared. A black snake flicked his tongue at me, and then climbed up the exterior wall of the house (yes, they climb!!!). He disappeared behind a loose piece of siding. All four feet of him!

He was gorgeous! It's a good thing he was a gentle black snake and not a racer; he might have bitten me, because I was pretty close to him. I knew what he was, though, and I wasn't afraid. I hope he stays around, because he'll keep chipmunks, field mice, and other critters away from the house and the car. :-)

There used to be a big one on this patch a few years ago, about 5.5 feet long. This fella must be an offspring.

I also have an active pileated woodpecker nest this year, and they're all very loud.

I hope you all are enjoying the spring and looking forward to summer. I wish good travels and fun times to all who are on holidays.

I'll be around to post when I finish my work. Take care, all.

  • Thanks for info DIANE,ANNETTE. My broadband is running very slow this evening so am going to close down now. Will look at links tomorrow when hopefully things will have speeded up.

    Night, all

  • Annette - do hope the oil spill doesn't affect the wildlife too much and that they can contain it!!

  • Just been watching the report of the oil spill and it does look dire.

  • Well, the office of oil spills (not their official name!) is saying no volunteers right now thank you and our local TV station is tweeting "need help."  

  • Annette: I know you will try to get in there and rescue wildlife with one of the teams, but please use caution. That air could tear up your lungs, especially since you've been sick. Take care and be safe, dearie.

    Welcome back, Lindy. Sorry your holiday may have had some bumps. Hope Heather and AQ are feeling better. AQ, those brown snakes are interesting and formidable critters. Hi to Lynette, Brenda, Rita, Tina, Clare, Limpy, dibnlib, and all.

  • Evening all: Busy day with one thing and another cropping up, but all well (at least in our house).  Oil spill still up the coast with no smell or sign of it here - yet.  Apparently, they have trained volunteers in Hazmat suits from UC Davis and another entity doing clean up.  Apparently, they're a bit wary of  do-gooders with all the wrong togs and tools at this point; they just want folks to call if they spot any oil-covered critters. Our local TV station is showing images of oil-coated pelicans, etc.   What havoc we humans cause with our greedy appetites.  :-(   The only good thing that will come out of this is that it will energize our eco-groups to prevent/delay plans to expand oil company activities in this area.  And don't get me started on our Prez okaying permits for offshore drilling off Alaska.  Grrrr.

    Welcome back Lindybird.

    Tina: Daughters can be quite the challenge!  :-)

    Off to watch rubbish on television for an hour before I topple into bed.  Night all.

  • Glad you're okay, Annette. I see that they've dramatically increased the estimated size of the spill. Best wishes to the whales and other wildlife.

  • Good Morning, All. Sorry to hear about the oil problem, Annette - as you say, what havoc we humans can wreak upon wildlife, I despair sometimes. Hope it can be somehow contained this time. Diane - loved hearing about your critters, especially how you have conversations with your RT Hawk. He seems to know what you're up to. I must dash as lots to do: our Eldest & family come here tomorrow, then all of us decamp south on Sunday to attend little Matthews christening.
  • Good morning all

    Likewise, LINDY - our youngest and family are arriving today from Elgin, to spend a night or two here.

    Sad news from Denmark, our dear old friend died this morning. He was 93. As his daughter in law said to me, he was a great age but in its own way that makes it more difficult because he has 'always been there'.

  • Hi, People!  Too much sunshine falling on screen, so difficult to read much - also difficult to edit, so expect typos!  Found wi-fi here at community café at Isle of Whithorn, so sitting looking out of picture window at the harbour, incoming tide and the Isle of Man - just visible.  Will go to Wigtown this afternoon, when rain is expected.  Drove through Forest to Ballantrae and Girvan yesterday - didn't seem to do much apart from eat!  Castle Kennedy Gardens were good on Tuesday.

    Guest house is comfortable, with interesting house pets such as little white ducks and a giant tortoise called Molly!  Will be travelling home tomorrow, via Threave Ospreys if weather permits the long walk/scooter ride down to the viewing point.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!